279 WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER OR FALL: Which Season Gives YOU the BEST Chance for Business Success?
Geralyn Power
Entrepreneur, Spiritual Teacher & Coach for Wise, Sensitive Women.
Geralyn Power is an Entrepreneur, Spiritual Teacher & Coach for Wise, Sensitive Women.
She lives in rural Ontario where she homeschools and works from home.
Geralyn teaches cyclical living principles, combining her 12 years of holistic education into my spiritual coaching practice. She is currently training with the Priestess Presence Temple and School of Sacred Arts.
In this episode, we chat about:
Can you define what Seasonal Living is, and what some of the core principles are?
Why is this concept important and relevant for entrepreneurs, especially women, who run businesses?
This seems like such an intuitive rhythm to follow, but most of us ignore it. Where did we go wrong? How did we get so far away from Seasonal living?
Example of a cyclical business year… The Deep Winter December-January, The Spring Rebirth March/April/May, Summer Fun June/July/August, Fall Beauty… and Chaos! Sept/Oct/Nov
Other topics:
Can you share an example of where we might feel friction when it comes to being visible, growing our business or trying out a marketing strategy that feels in opposition to cyclical living?
What are some of the rituals you have around getting work done, but also giving yourself permission to rest and honour the seasonality and the rhythms?
Where do you think the world would be if more humans honoured the principles of Seasonal Living?
Finish this sentence: When female entrepreneurs run their businesses while honouring Seasonal Living and The Life/Death/Rebirth Process they can….
To connect with Geralyn:
Access the transcript for this episode:
You're listening to the visionary life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.
Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth, in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode. It's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us, you know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up. I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in.
Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm really excited today to be interviewing Geralyn power. Geralyn has actually been a business mentor for me for many, many years. And one of my first businesses I met her and I always loved her blend of teachings as they married, the more strategy and the, you know, the typical business growth concepts, but she always infuse spirituality, masculine, feminine.
And this concept that we talk a lot about today, the being versus the doing. Let me say that again, the being versus the doing, I am totally a doer. That's why this concept as you'll hear in this episode, really hits home for me and it's something I need to sit with.
So if you're not familiar with Jerilyn, she is a mother of three she lives in rural Ontario, she loves homeschooling and working from home, raising her chickens as well. And in addition to having her own spiritual coaching practice, she is also training with the priestess presents temple and the School of sacred art. So she has a lot going on. But Jacqueline's journey did not start this way, she actually began her journey as a police officer.
So something radically different from where she is today. So we actually touch on her journey into the police force, why she ultimately exited after five years, how it felt going from that career path into holistic education and spirituality, and really some of the fear that she had to navigate and how she handled it, as she made such a massive leap. In addition, in this episode, we are talking about the balance of the masculine and the feminine, we do a lot of chatting about seasonal living principles.
So how we are meant to flow with the seasons and why this is actually important for entrepreneurs, I think you're really going to love this concept. And that's one of the reasons why I brought her onto the show. And also, we talk about why there's such a difference between how women live in Canada in the US in North America, versus how they're currently living in places like Scandinavia. So fascinating concepts today, I really hope you love the episode.
If you want to get in touch with Jerilyn or learn more about her work, I will link all of her stuff in the show notes. And if you love this episode, the best way to support it is to just take a quick screenshot, share it on Instagram stories, or just open your Spotify or your apple and leave us a rating or a review or both. So I hope you enjoy and I will catch you in the next episode. Hey, visionary, I want to quickly interrupt this episode to ask you if you've been curious what it's like to work with a private business and marketing coach. If you're a business owner, and you feel like your marketing plan is all over the place, you haven't figured out your search engine optimization or your SEO strategy. You have no idea what your social media marketing plan is, and you are not doing so well on the self Express content front. I call these the marketing trio. It's the three S's SEO social media self Express content. And by dialing in all three of these pillars, you too can get more visible, generate more income and increase your lead generation where you're actually turning your followers into paid clients and you're constantly bringing new people in at the top of the funnel. If you're not familiar with my work, I am a private business and marketing coach and I have spent the last 13 years working in the marketing industry.
Many of those years doing consulting with clients like you who want to finally get more visible and get in front of their dream clients. So when we work together you have me for four months as your market then partner, I'm gonna do a full audit of your business, put you on a private project management software with me. And then based on your innate skill sets based on your strength, based on where you are curious and where your dream clients are paying attention, we're going to build out a custom marketing strategy, we're going to track it, we're going to optimize it. And by the end of the four months, you have a plan that works. And you're seeing results. It's truly incredible. Christina crook, just landed a $100,000 consulting contract after implementing just one of my marketing strategies. Emily Fraser signed multiple new clients in one day, after just one month of working with me. And now she is having consistent five figure months. And Natasha, she started leveraging her email list in December, and 30 days later, in January, she pulled in $25,000, from one single email that we created.
So these results are possible for you too. But don't sign up yet. Just head to Kelsey rydell.com. And check out how we can work together learn all about it, make sure you feel informed. And if you'd like to book a discovery call with me, just fill out the application on my website, we can get on the phone and see if it's a good fit for you. So anyways, I don't want to interrupt this episode anymore. I cannot wait to work with you, to support you and getting you more visible. And let's get back into the show. Jerilyn Welcome to the visionary life Podcast. I'm so excited to sit down with you today and officially record an episode we've obviously been chatting back and forth, you did a training inside of the visionary method that was so well received. But today it's going to be you and I diving into a topic that I know you are super passionate about, which is seasonal living.
But before we dive into all of that goodness, I kind of want to begin in the present. So you recently moved to rural Ontario, you're raising your kids raising chickens, I believe you shared your homeschooling working from home, I would love to know to set the stage was this the life you always dreamed of creating? Or was this vision planted as life unfolded?It definitely was not the vision. It definitely was not the vision. So first of all, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here. And it was so great to speak to your to your crew. And there were many women specifically who reached out to me after I chatted with your visionary life community, and I think the biggest thing that they shared was that they too are also shifting in their in their lifestyles right now and making bigger changes or they seek to make bigger changes. And I there was a handful of people who said, you know, whenever a woman shares that they are also making these changes, they feel less alone. And so that's why I'm so inspired to talk about seasonal living. And some of these will can appear to be radical changes, but they're really not when you zoom, like when you zoom into the micro of it.
So for me, I, I was raised by a very like typical, liberal, wonderful father, but very, like follow the rules, go to school, get a degree, get a good job, like make sure you're safe, right. And my dad had nine brothers and sisters. And all of them are pretty, or all of them, I should say followed pretty like traditional pathways. They're either, you know, school teachers or writers. My dad was a store manager at Sears for many years. And so I followed this very traditional path that was shown to me. And probably in my late 20s, early 30s. I started to question it. And I started to think about becoming a mother one day. And I started to wonder what life would be like because I was a police officer at the time and I started to wonder like, if both my husband and I are police officers, which he was as well.
How are we supposed to navigate shiftwork and really this very masculine profession which requires a lot from you physically, mentally? Well, getting up at night and nursing a child or I just started thinking about all of these things. And so it's been a slow unwinding over the years.But essentially, what I've realized, for me, and what I think many people are returning to in, the times that we're in is, it's this internal search for our true essence, like, who are we really, when we kind of take away some of those perceptions, or some of those ways of being that we observed in childhood, when we take away the example that we even see in our specific country, it's so interesting to see how people, families, women live in Canada in the US versus the Scandinavian countries or women in Europe. I'm really obsessed with following European women on Instagram right now, because it's so funny to see their life. It's very different.
So to answer your question, I just wanted to give a little kind of backdrop, but no, I never thought I would be living in small town, rural Ontario, with chickens and homeschooling and like quitting my government job and being an entrepreneur, it's been an unwinding process over the last 12 years. But it really started with this question of like, what is that? That essence of who I'm here to be, as a woman, and as a mom, and that curiosity and really entering the mystery of that, and which is what I do now, as a spiritual coach, I really come out of the closet as like a spiritual coach, really holding the container for women to explore that mystery. And that question, and so for me, it's led us here, and for other people that might look different. But no, that was not always the path. That was not the path that was taught that was shown.And I think we'll get into a lot of the reasons and just those catalystic moments of why you are now living the life you live through these concepts that we're exploring, I have a couple things, I want to go a little deeper or double click on based on what you just shared.
Number one, I just need to know what are those main differences that you're seeing between how women are operating in Canada and in the US, versus how you're seeing them maybe operate in Scandinavian countries? Or maybe even like South America, Central America? I'd love to know just high level one or two of the things that you're like, that's very different.Okay, yes. So Oh, man. And there's a book that talks about French parenting, actually, and the name is skipping me. But if you even just do an Amazon search, yeah, you'll find it. And it's about how women do parenting their, which is very different. So here, we're much more rooted in the masculine. So what I teach in my coaching practice is that we are made up of the masculine and the feminine, and we need both.
And this isn't to make one bad or wrong or two, we need the integration of both. But the way that our world functions politically, from a government standpoint, in the US and Canada, it's, it can be almost like this hamster wheel living like I have to, you know, drive myself this way in my business. And I mean, even even in the US, I think, I mean, don't new mothers still only get like six weeks. Yeah. Mature thing. Like it's absolute insanity.
So we're expected to just drop everything and go back to work. There's just this feeling of having to constantly drive forward and do before b. And so the main shift that I see with European women, and I'm sure it's not all, but definitely you see it in some cities, is that their life revolves around being first. And then the doing so you'll see them go out for lunch, and they have a coffee and a scone and like, they don't need to go do a hit workout after because they had a scone, like they just eat the scone and they'll push their babies and the strollers outside. In Scandinavian countries, they'll actually leave them outside which here you would never see that would you ever see a baby stroller with a baby just like chilly.So they actually believe in the science shows this that breathing in the cold air, of course, the babies are wrapped up and kind of warm blankets and they're good, but breathing in the cold air is actually really great for the respiratory system. And so they'll leave their babies outside and you'll see pictures of like rows of them, and then they'll go in and have lunch. And there's no. The second difference is they don't have this overarching experience of like fear here in Canada, we would be like, Oh my god, somebody's going to steal the baby or that can't be good for our attachment. or that can't be good for this or that, like there would be something that somebody would have to say about it.
Whereas there, there's just this commitment to being. And it almost feels like when you look at the family unit as well, there's an overarching theme of everybody in the ecosystem of the family deserves to be supported, nurtured, including the mother. Everyone deserves to feel safe, everyone deserves to feel loved. Whereas here, I think we just, we, we messed that up a little bit. There's too much of this, like, the masculine can take the lead a little bit.Mm hmm. Oh, I love that. And I'm excited to even just dive into that more on my own time. And I'm sure a lot of the listeners are very curious as well. But let's kind of get back to you mentioned that your initial career was as a police officer. And you made a shift into holistic education and spirituality. And it is my best guess, based on the audience I know listens, that a lot of them are actually in that initial career path that they set off on in their 20s.
But they're no longer feeling like it is their calling or the vocation they want to continue on with. But like you mentioned, there's this download of fear. Well, how am I going to possibly leave this path for something else? Or what will my parents think or imagine telling my partner that I want to give up the career as a police officer and go pursue something completely different? How did you really honor the fact that you were no longer feeling called to stay on as a police officer? And how did you navigate the fear? Or did you have any, in making such a huge transition that I think a lot of people are currently stuck in?Mm hmm. Oh, it's such such a juicy question.
And I think for me, I mean, if I was working with a client right now, who was coming to me with that I would, and this is, you know, I'm going to speak from the spiritual perspective, because that's what I do. So in the priestess lineage, which is basically like, School of the divine feminine, it's like woman church, okay. What we teach and believe is that everyone has their own specific curriculum to walk here on Earth. And we teach and believe that in a way, it's all been sort of pre designed.
And essentially, you have to become, the first step I would say is, you have to become comfortable enough to hold yourself, midwife yourself through the curiosity, of perhaps why you're not feeling unfulfilled, right? Like, we can't skip the steps here. That's typically why our path maybe led us to a place of unfulfillment is we've been going 100 miles an hour. And so instead, we need to slow down and really enter the mystery of our life, even if we're unsure of where it leads. That's essentially what the priestess lineage teaches is, can we feel safe enough to enter the mystery because really what's happening? If we look at it through the spiritual lens is, I don't know why this example is coming to me, but it's kind of like a woman in labor.
So when a woman enters into labor, she has absolutely no choice but to journey down and in too deep presence within her body, and she just has to ride those waves, the contractions, the pain, but also the bliss of like, I worked nine months to build this life. And at some point, I'm going to meet my baby. And when I see someone who is facing that crossroads, where they're starting to realize that they're wanting to make a shift or a change. It's a rebirth moment, right? And it's filled with like, just like a woman in labor or a woman who's carried a child. It's can be filled with bliss and excitement for the new but also it's Fear, like, how am I going to do this? How am I going to birth this baby out? Or how am I going to birth this new version of myself? What does this even? What does this even look like? And so that's what I had to do for myself was really like a midwife. You know, like a midwife holding space for a woman in labor, the midwives job is to be hands off. And to just don't touch unless you need to.
We are innately wired to know what to do. Right, which is a very actual it's, it's a, it's a seasonal living principle that like nature knows what to do. Women know how to give birth, we also know how to shift up route and change our lives, we know, we know. And for some people, it might be quick, some women have labors that are two hours, some women have laborers that are two days. So for me, when I was in that time of transition, I had to midwife myself hold myself. Because lots of people look at you, you know, this like, like, You're freaking weird. So it's a, it's a midwifing, and a holding of yourself through the emotions through the ups and downs through the curiosity. And through that openness, I believe is when Mama universe will then come in and be like,
Okay, here's the business idea, or here's the next step. Here's, after we've maybe processed some of that grief around like, you know, in my example, holy smokes, I went to school for a job, and I worked a job for five years that it was a total mistake. There's grief around that. Yeah, there's, there's stuff that comes up. So holding ourselves through that. And also, when it comes to expressing to your partner, or whoever, leading with that vulnerability, I think is the most powerful thing we can do leading with wherever your curiosity took you. So in my case, it was leading with stories to my husband around holy cow, holy crap, babe, like I realized, I have followed this path, because that at that at the right, and that vulnerable. I mean, if you're with somebody who has an open heart, and you know, is really open to holding space for your highest path and your pious, your highest form of joy and fulfillment, they're going to listen, and I think a lot of us fear having those challenging conversations, because we immediately convinced ourselves that we're not worthy of being heard. But we are. So that would be my advice, holding yourself through it and leaving with that vulnerability when you're sharing with other people and then watch some of the awarenesses insights ideas that trickle in. From that place, it's really accepting and owning our journey.Hey, visionaries, I wanted to interrupt this episode to actually share a pretty alarming statistic. So research actually shows that women led businesses fail more often than our male counterparts. Oftentimes, that's because we don't have the necessary support the predictable lifestyles, and sometimes that's because we try to do it all and be at all, when in reality, life sometimes has other plans, Has that ever happened to you? Well, that's why Emily and I are putting together the LEAP mastermind. This is a weekly mastermind that provides ongoing support as you grow and maintain your successful business. And we're putting together a group of 16 women who are ready to grow in a group and a community. It's all about being around the right people, making new friends, finding new business partners who understand your challenges with running a business and building an epic life filled with freedom and joy and your version of balance. So what we're going to offer is guidance and expertise and accountability between Emily and I, we have coached 1000s of women like you to not only drive more revenue into the business, but to adopt the right mindset to create whatever business and lifestyle you desire. We give you the space to dream we give you the strategies to implement. And most of all, we give you 15 other women who are going to support you and who are going to make you feel way less alone on this journey. Now, right now, we are not selling this publicly. So the only way to get more info the only way to get more details is to either send me an email Hello at Kelseyreidl.com. Just say the word mastermind, or you can just quickly find me on Instagram at Kelsey Rydell. Send me a DM with the word master Mind, it is going to be a truly incredible space. We're going to meet every single Wednesday. And we really can't wait to kick off and get things started as of beginning of May. So, honestly, I mean, this is the mastermind that I've always wanted to be a part of. I've invested over $100,000 in masterminds before. And I've really learned what works, what doesn't, what we need in order to succeed, and I can't wait to spill all the beans. So between Emily and I, she's a mindset coach, I'm a marketing coach, we have all the tools that they really don't teach you in school, you're so skilled at what you do. But did you ever really learn how to sell how to promote your services, how to embody the physiology of success, that's going to gift you with six figure seven figure maybe eight figure salaries down the line?
So that's it, send me a DM on Instagram at Kelsey Reidl. Or email me hello at Kelseyreidl.com. We are not promoting this publicly. So this is the only way to slide in. Yeah, and operating from this place. Because I know you said oh, well spent five years doing this. Like what a mistake. Like, that's what we would tell ourselves, right. And we have this weird, I think it's called sunken cost fallacy. It's like, well, I've already sunk money, and time and energy into in your case becoming a cop, even though you're probably in your mid 20s, when you left. But we think because we sunk costs into it, that we just have to push through. Just do that until you're 60 and retire. But it's like, wait, we wait. Why are we telling ourselves a story that we're stuck in a path that could feels completely wrong for us, just because we invested time and money isn't the journey of life. And what we're going to chat about today, seasonal living, like moving through the seasons, and knowing 100%And not just moving through seasonal living is not just moving through the seasons, it's moving through the ebb and flow of emotion. And the reason why people will tell themselves this story of well, you know, it's just easier I've invested all this time is because it's easier to tell yourself that than to midwife and hold yourself through the grief, the overwhelm the all of the stuff that we've stuffed down. And initially, when we have to face that, it's like opening up a, it's like opening up a closet where, you know, you've stuffed everything in and who wants to feel that but what I help people see is that it does get easier. And seasonal living at its core is learning to ebb and flow. With the cycles, like we're supposed to, if we're supposed to feel to the depth of our being, especially as women and mothers, that's how we actually turn on our intuitive channels. That's how we open our heart deeper, to unconditional love to be able to hold such loving space for our children is because we are so in tune with our bodies, with our emotional centers, with all of these things. So if we just shut that off, and I think that's why my internal guidance system was roaring at me on the police horse because it was kind of like girlfriend. And I look at my life now and having three small children. And you know, I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful that I had the willingness and people coached me through having the willingness to sit with that discomfort. Because there's this new wave of conscious parenting to where it's like, we're like, this is the first generation of children who are being allowed to feel their feelings. So we're also passing that on.
So awesome. Yeah. And something you mentioned just before was, we've been raised to go 100 miles an hour. And whether the person listening to this podcast is a business owner or working in the corporate world, I think what a lot of us were taught was like head down, just keep going, don't give up. Don't you know, like, you don't want to lose that security, that safety, which actually kind of goes against seasonal living. So let's kind of go back to basics. So for the person who has never heard of seasonal living, and maybe they are the driven entrepreneur going 100 miles an hour, can you define what seasonal living is and what some of the core principles are, and then we'll go a layer deeper and talk about each season.
Sure, so seasonal living at its core is adjusting the way you live your life based on the natural rhythm of the seasons. So for example, winter is for resting just like the animals go and hibernate in the winter. It sounds so simple, but it literally is those simple. Spring is for planting seeds just like we plant seeds in our garden even right now you can start to feel it like In winter, when we're resting and dreaming, you start to get ideas and seeds, like little words of inspiration, or you'll start, like you have been talking about you start a meditation practice, it's actually a wonderful time to do a meditation practice in the winter, to really sit drop into presence, be with yourself be with no, no nothing. No goals, no expectations just be. And then you start to notice these little words drop in are these little seeds of inspiration. And then spring is when it really starts to come to life. I can feel it like the last few weeks, I'm like, Whoa. Whereas the first few weeks of winter, I was very. I was in hibernation, man like, and as you adapt to more, as you slowly return for more cyclical life, it's wild how year after year, you become it even more, it is wild, and you become more trusting of it. Anyways,
I'm rambling. So winter is for hibernation, rest, dreaming. Spring is for the rebirth, planting new seeds. Summer is things like fun, full expression, joy, and then fall, of course as the harvest. Also lots of ritual involved in fall, think like Thanksgiving, family rituals, we're also kind of all redefining how we do these things, too. And as society shifts to a more cyclical seasonal way of life, we're seeing more community care strategies pop up in terms of how we do holidays, and make it less about consumerism, and more about people and connection, and storytelling, and all of these things. Fall is a lot to do with reflection, as well, like really reflecting on our year. And thinking about how we can enter into that time of hibernation in the winter, where we get still. And we allow any changes that need to be made to drop in things like that. So it just it flows just like nature does just like the trees fall or the leaves fall off the trees in the fall, etc, etc. So you start to line up your life with that.What would be I want to paint a picture almost of like the polar opposite that I think a lot of us are, we're living in it, but we're not aware of this concept of seasonal living or maybe haven't adopted it in our life. Can you share some examples of how the average entrepreneur or individual might be living in opposition to seasonal living? Like what would be some of those just things that they're doing that you would say that's not exactly congruent with the winter or with the summer?
Well, yeah, that would be me eight years ago, I mean, I I just had no awareness. Like, there's no awareness to any of this. Yeah. And even it's so interesting, because again, I don't want to, I don't want to make this bad or wrong. Like, I think there's actually a really powerful time to be in more of the masculine I use that term because seasonal living is more the feminine. Yeah, so like, Kelsey, I used to live so much in the masculine I mean, I, I would host workshops for my community right away on January 1, like get out your vision boards, people, it's January 1, when really, it's not actually the best time to do that the best time to do a vision board is in the spring. And it's okay to jot down some words or a few images or whatnot. But you don't want to go crazy into planning January 1. So I used to do that. I used to just work all the time.
Yeah, like a nine to 540 hour structure, probably of like for
like, anytime. Yeah, like anytime I had a second I was either working or I was working out. Or I was I was just constantly going, like constantly moving. And I want to tell one other quick story on this because it's so interesting. Then I had children. And I was I my body was okay, after my first baby. I felt okay. But then after the second and the third baby again, I had to bring this curiosity to old boy, like what is the feminine trying to teach me because after about four months, my breast milk supply dried up. I didn't have any milk. And I started to go, I started to realize, I think my like my body's depleted from all of these years of pushing myself. And so this is what typically happens to people too is they're kind of forced to slow down and forced to find and adapt some seasonal living principles. But anyways, I was chatting with a friend this week who's a naturopath, and she was saying women in third world countries typically don't go through menopause and they don't get PMS like we do and they get there moon cycle here. And I said, tell me why. And she said, because they don't live like we do here in the West. And so what happens when a woman goes through menopause and she stops ovulating is that there's a shift that happens, obviously, hormonally, were sort certain hormones kind of shut off because you, you don't need to ovulate anymore. And the adrenals take over for certain core functions in the feminine body. So she said, women in the West who are so used to just driving forward at warp speed their whole life, when they hit menopause, and their adrenals have to take over if their adrenals have been maxed for years. That's where all of these symptoms start to come up in menopause. But women in third world countries don't get that because they just live a very different life. And I know they have their own struggles. But I just thought that was so fascinating. And so after I had my third baby, I was completely burnt out. And like I said, I didn't, I had barely no milk. And I just thought, ha, I overdid it for years. And it was this very clear, like knock on the door that said, you have to slow down. You have to so I don't feel like there's a clear answer to your question of like, what it can look like, because it's probably nuanced, and it can look differently for everybody. But I think just even somebody who tends to work quickly, or is in more of their masculine, that's okay. I just think having this awareness, having this awareness. And just broadening that perspective, especially want to look at long term health and longevity, if we want to have children. It's pretty wild.
It's such an interesting conversation, because so much of what's being shared, especially in the entrepreneurial space, and people starting businesses is like, follow this template or take my online course. And people buy them, they invest so much of their own money into like buying gurus, whoever marketing guru number 40, their process, and then they go through it, and they kind of push themselves to think this should work for me, this should work for me. And then at a certain point, they might look up and realize I didn't get any results. And perhaps there's actually some self inquiry that needs to happen there of like, first of all, is this the season for me to be activating this new strategy? Or is this my time to be going through? You know, this very intense marketing course? And if not, then, yeah, maybe there's just some self reflection there of like, well, why am I doing this? And if I'm out of season, like, let's save it for later. Do you see that too? And like, how do you manage that energy of like, here's the process or the system you need to succeed versus I'm not in that season at this moment.
It is, you know, it's hard right now for I think women, especially navigating all of the horizontal information that's coming at us. So what I teach clients is like, let's not let's not come at this from a place of fear or reaction where we're looking, you know, we're in the information age, and you can find anything to help you grow your business right now, that is clearly not the problem. We have so much coming at us at the at the horizontal, can we be better boundaried. And I know you're so good at this, like you talk about this a lot not getting lost in the scroll hole on Instagram, or Tiktok, or whatever, I don't even have tick tock tick tock go so fast. And like, I don't know how you'll do this, this stress, oh, just looking at it. That's another thing that happens when you return to a more seasonal life is like you turn on an app like Tiktok. And you're like, ah, like you can't, your body won't even be able to handle it anymore. It's crazy. So what I teach people is, we have to learn how to be first and it's this shift to the vertical, like sitting in meditation every morning or having a practice where you connect to God or spirit or the universe or yourself or whatever, whatever that looks like for you. We have to connect with the land, go for a walk outside for me, like I pitter patter around with my chickens. And I'll take some time in the morning before my kids get up and it's connecting to the vertical first and that directs my horizontal input like that directs what course I'm taking or what, whatever and you'll start to feel it, you'll start to feel it when you're too much in the horizontal. And you're operating from that place of like I need to be doing this. Like you know when that old way of being kicks in and it's totally a process. But that's essentially what I teach. We need to get back to to vertical and be first then do, and I, some people I think can get a little bit have to be careful, like triggered or scared when they hear me speak about this because they love their work. And what I want people to know is connecting with seasonal living and connecting with a more vertical approach to life, it's actually very action oriented. It's not like we're just sipping tea all day, and doing nothing, it just it looks very different. It it requires much more trust during the down seasons, it requires a level of creativity that comes from you from, from source from, oh, my gosh, solutions for a better world. Like it's big. It's a big deal. And it will look different, but it is very action oriented. I mean, hey, I have a business, I homeschool I have three kids, I'm not just like, you know, it just looks different.
So for somebody who's maybe curious about so we're recording this early February. So because we're kind of in that season of the deep winter. And I know this is probably more intuitive for someone like yourself, who practices and kind of knows how to tune in to what you need and what your business needs. But for somebody, again, who's new to seasonal living, and who just is loving this concept? What would some of the questions they should ask themselves in this season, what would they be? And maybe what does a typical question that you would ask yourself to set up your week for success while also honoring the seasonal principles?
Okay, so kind of like if I when I'm sitting with myself, yeah, yeah. What does that look like? So I think it's really important in the feminine, you know, in the feminine priestess school that I'm a part of, we're all about creating an altar or creating a space that honors this sense of being. So you know, when we moved to our new home, I went out and I bought a new yoga mat, and a really fluffy cushion from winners. And I always lit a candle lit and you can go to the dollar store and do this. It doesn't have to be crazy, but just creating some sort of a sacred space, because it's a reminder, oh, yeah, this is my time to be and not do. So I think that would be number one. Number two, I always have some sort of a journal. I don't always use it. Some days, it's just, it's just sitting literally, it's just sitting, it's it's meditating, you can turn on I know you've shared with me, you've been doing deepfakes 21 day meditation, if having some sort of guided meditation is what's helpful. 100% do that. But I think it's important to be first before like rushing into a question. So I never just sit down first thing and it's like, okay, it's sitting in quiet for 10 minutes with my eyes closed doing a body scan, turning on some sort of guided practice, some people will pull an angel card or whatever, right, lighting a candle. Prayer is really, really valuable for lots of people. And in fact, in the feminine lineage, what we do is instead of praying, okay, let me say it like this, the world also teaches us to reach up vertical, often, to a more like, masculine model of spirituality. So I'm reaching up here to speak to, you know, God, or my intuition, or the business gods to ask me for a new idea or whatever. Since we're moving to a more seasonal way of life. We, if spirituality and prayer is a practice for you, we recommend actually praying down so it's this prayer to Mother Earth is this idea of hold me? Guide me? How would you, you know, guide my days? How would you hold me today? If I'm feeling grief? Or if I'm feeling emotion, how would you show up in my parenting? It's, that can be uncomfortable for people, but it's it's a practice of surrender that really softens our minds obsession with having to be the creators of our life. Because in seasonal living, we're lifting that we're giving that up. And we're allowing ourselves to be held in the being which is really hard for people.
And from that place. Once I feel like I've settled into that place. I may ask a question of myself or my business like, Okay, I mean, it's typically just What? What is most important this week, right? Because if you're if you're if you're functioning in a business, you've got your theme for the year, you've got what you're doing. Right? And so it's just connecting into a reminder of if this gets done today, great. But all the rest really doesn't matter. It's lifting that obsessed part of our mind that that needs to overdue. Does that make sense? It's like,absolutely, yeah, I'm trusting that like, if you are focusing on the most important thing, that you don't need to get caught up in the rat race of Instagram reels or stressing about what to write in a caption, like, all these little things that in the grand scheme of things, they don't matter. But society would tell us in order to run a successful business, you have to be doing so much and like reinventing the wheel every single day, versus focusing on what matters and honoring the season that you're in, which might not be this high output season.
And it's funny because you keep talking about this concept of B versus do. And there's part of my brain that I can't even grasp the concept of B. I know, I'm doing it well right now. But I'm empathizing for myself and the listener who's like, if you're not doing something, but I'm listening to you talk. And I'm like, that is that's the missing link for myself and feelit right. Like, can you feel the truth? You feel it for many people, and this was me for years, I could feel the truth of that in my body. I was like, Oh, yeah. And I used to honestly think I didn't have a problem with control or like overdoing, and I look back and I laugh so hard. I'm like, Geralyn, or like, and so I think laughing at it and having this empathy is I'm glad you brought that up, because it's really important. Yeah, it's
really exciting to new Oh, when you say that? I'm like, be what?
Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
So I'd love for you to finish this sentence for me. Because we're talking a lot about women in business, female entrepreneurs, women who are maybe coming into a new version of themselves. So when female entrepreneurs run their business, while honoring seasonal living, they can what
they can find true peace of mind and peace of body, they will stop chasing, they will stop doing all the things they think they have to do. And they will return to the essence of who they are.
And for so many of us, I think returning to the essence of who we are, is what's going to unlock that next chapter
100. For us, 100%.
It's so cool, because this is a topic we've never talked about on the podcast before and more and more, I find myself leaning into this. So I know that that's kind of the direction I'm having more of these softer side conversations that it's like when we work on, you know, these types of things, we do see growth in all other areas of our life. And it's not about the tactic. It's not about the next tip, or strategy, or trick that's being taught to us. From so many people, it's really about leaning into more of who we already are, and reconnecting with some of these concepts that you've shared today that honestly feel like they've been lost, at least in my 37 years of life. I just I saw my grandparents may be living a bit this way, but not my parents generation, they were more of the workhorse, you know, just put your head down, don't complain. But it's neat to see these teachings, especially the work that you do, coming back into the forefront, and being of more importance for so many of us. So if somebody's curious to learn more about seasonal living, to continue to explore these teachings with you or with your offerings, how do they connect with your world? And how can they be more involved in the concepts that you've shared today?
Yeah, you can subscribe to my newsletter. Jerilyn power.com. I'm on Instagram. I have a fun account where I just share my life with my kids, two blondes plus a brunette to my three girls. And I'm actually going to be starting this year, a woman's temple so I taught yoga and meditation for years. And I'm just, I'm just ready to, I'm just ready for this next step. I'm really excited about it. So it's a temple devoted to women who want to learn exactly what we've talked about today how to be before the doing. That's really the intention of it. So you can follow along and see, when I launched that I do have coaching services up on my website as well. And yeah, that's it. Thanks for having me.
Thank you. And I will say, too, I was just spending some time on your website. And I was like, This is so juicy, like the way that you've just like used fonts and images to showcase to the world, what's important to you what your core values are, and just this incredible energy and the teachings that you're bringing to the world. It's so magnetic. So I would encourage everyone to go into the show notes, check out Carolyn's work. And thank you so much for sharing your wisdom on the podcast. You're welcome. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either iTunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice. tagging me at Kelsey Reidl. I'll catch you in the next episode.
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