278 Behind The Scenes, Life & Business Update (April 2023)
Behind the Scenes of My Life and Business
in the Past 90 Days!
This episode is a Behind the Scenes of My Life and Business in the Past 90 Days!
In this episode, I get personal and open up about:
Segment 1: Life Updates
Personal updates during the past 90 days
What I have been focusing on outside of work/business
Life lessons
Slowing down to speed up
Being in my life vs. doing
Itโs always worth the drive: to visit a friend with a new baby, or a business bestie who lives an hour away
Segment 2: Business Updates
Business updates during the past 90 days
A slight rebuild in the foundation
Key achievements and successes
1000 payments
More new private clients in the past 90 days than any other 90 day period: mostly from referral and google
What's next for us!
Segment 3: Lessons Learned
How these lessons will be applied moving forward
Access the transcript for this episode:
You're listening to the visionary life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.
Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth, in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode. It's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us, you know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up. I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in. Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the show. I think one of the perks of running your own business is the ability to make split decisions, and to pivot with a moment's notice. Normally, every Monday, I get all of my promotion and visibility asset setup. I communicate with our program manager and my virtual assistant, Alex, who does so much of the behind the scenes work.
Yesterday, I had some curveballs thrown at me, though. And I'm not going to get into what they were. But basically, my day was completely derailed. And I had dedicated the day to prepping a few things. Namely, for this podcast, we normally release an interview every single Tuesday morning. But yesterday when things went totally crazy, and I found myself losing about nine hours, through the day, due to unforeseen circumstances, I texted Alex and I said, You know what, forget about it. We're not releasing an interview this week. It just didn't feel good. And as much as I love strategy, I also love listening to my gut and honoring what I know is going to be most useful in this moment. And how I can best serve my community in this moment. So instead of releasing an interview, and a shorter episode, today, we're just going to release the one episode. And it's just going to be a sit down chat with you. And I think now that we're five years into the podcast, I've really grown a relationship with so many of you. And it feels really special to be able to sit down once in a while and give you a behind the scenes look into what's going on, not just professionally with the podcast with the visionary method with the work that I do.
But also personally, because I am a small team, I am the face of my business, I am the driver of a lot of things.
And that all happens in conjunction with my personal life. And you know, as somebody who has a family and a husband and a lot of different hobbies, and involvements and volunteer opportunities, and who deals with their own physical, mental, spiritual journey, it's so funny because like, none of that pauses so that I can run my business. And this is something that I feel like I've gotten extremely good at riding the waves and knowing that what's happening outside of my office door is never gonna go away, right? Whether it was the passing of my mom unexpectedly or family members going through turmoil in their life, or dealing with my own health issues that, you know, still required me to show up and pretend I was okay. In my business. There's just so much and I know that if you're a business owner, you can relate that you can't just turn off your personal life so you can run your business.
And vice versa to write like you can't just turn off your business if you want to make money and do this for the long run. And go pay attention to your personal life if you still want to keep the business alive. So like there has to be this beautiful dance between the two and it's not to say you should hide what's going on in one part of your life so that you could succeed and another but I also think there is a responsibility when we show up to work on the business to put our CEO hat on until deliver the best we can, knowing that we don't have to bring in what's going on outside of business into the business, right? Like, it's kind of like, if you work in the corporate world, like when you walk through the doors of your office building, you kind of have to put everything that happened at home that morning on pause until 5pm.
And you walk in, you see your colleagues, and you kind of just put it together and pull it together. And that is sort of the same for running a business right? When you show up to a client call, bring 110% Even if you were just having a full breakdown, five minutes earlier, bring 110% Even if you're sick as EFF, like if you're doing a zoom call, and you didn't cancel it, don't show up and tell your client you're sick, right? Like there is a responsibility and a commitment to the craft, of running your business and delivering client services that you you have to follow through with. And I do believe that's essential to success. So anyways, I digress a little bit, I want to give you a little behind the scenes of what's been going on here at visionary HQ, in my life and in my business, especially as it pertains pertains to the past 90 days.
So if you are interested in just riffing with me enjoying a coffee with me and chatting and catching up, then this is the episode for you. Hey, visionaries, I wanted to interrupt this episode to actually share a pretty alarming statistic. So research actually shows that women led businesses fail more often than our male counterparts. Oftentimes, that's because we don't have the necessary support the predictable lifestyles, and sometimes it's because we try to do it all and be at all, when in reality life sometimes has other plans, Has that ever happened to you? Well, that's why Emily and I are putting together the LEAP mastermind. This is a weekly mastermind that provides ongoing support as you grow and maintain your successful business.
And we are putting together a group of 16 women who are ready to grow in a group and a community. It's all about being around the right people, making new friends, finding new business partners who understand your challenges with running a business and building an epic life filled with freedom and joy and your version of balance. So what we're going to offer is guidance and expertise and accountability between Emily and I we have coached 1000s of women like you to not only drive more revenue into the business, but to adopt the right mindset to create whatever business and lifestyle you desire.
We give you the space to dream we give you the strategies to implement. And most of all, we give you 15 other women who are going to support you and who are going to make you feel way less alone on this journey. Now right now, we are not selling this publicly. So the only way to get more info, the only way to get more details is to either send me an email Hello at Kelsey rydel.com. Just say the word mastermind. Or you can just quickly find me on Instagram at Kelsey Rydell send me a DM with the word mastermind. It is going to be a truly incredible space. We're going to meet every single Wednesday, and we really can't wait to kick off and get things started as of beginning of May.
So honestly, I mean, this is the mastermind that I've always wanted to be a part of. I've invested over $100,000 in masterminds before. And I've really learned what works, what doesn't, what we need in order to succeed and I can't wait to spill all the beans. So between Emily and I, she's a mindset coach. I'm a marketing coach. We have all the tools that they really don't teach you in school. You're so skilled at what you do. But did you ever really learn how to sell how to promote your services, how to embody the physiology of success that's going to gift you with six figure seven figure maybe eight figure salaries down the line. So that's it, send me a DM on Instagram at Kelsey Reidl or email me hello at Kelseyreidl.com. We are not promoting this publicly. So this is the only way to slide in.Alright, so let's start with some life update. So life has been you know, I always am a glass half full person that's actually one of our core values inside of the visionary methods. So, I feel like at any chapter in my life, I could look at it as the worst phase of life or even the best phase of life, because life is this insane dichotomy where one day Things are so, so great, and you're feeling pulled together. And then the next day, there's a tragedy and you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. And this never goes away. But I think it's cool to be able to live in that space where you truly are accepting of the feeling that there are high highs and low lows that can exist on the very same day.
So for me lately, like I've had some interesting health issues, and I pride myself as somebody who takes care of themselves, and who like, spends the time and energy to support my health, whether it's with my diet, my fitness, my lifestyle, my stress management, my sleep, my supplements, my time in nature, like all of that, I do feel as though I devote thing, and time and energy to feeling my best. But at the same time, there are these unpredictable moments that happen. And so personally, there has been a little bit of a health struggle over the last 90 days or so nothing major, but it's definitely impacted my ability to just control and output as much as I want on a weekly basis. But like I said earlier, I try not to let that slip into the business.
And one thing that I have done is really devoted the time and energy to my health. So even if that means starting work at 11am, instead of 9am, so that I can go for a walk. And I can meditate, I will do that because your health is truly the biggest driver, the biggest catalyst to the success of your business. And I don't know how else to say that in a way that might make sense or get through to you. But without your health, you don't have anything like that is the single biggest wish for anybody who doesn't have their health is just to get it back. And so let this be reminder to always devote the time necessary the energy necessary to feeling amazing, because you are worth it. Right. So whether that's scheduling a massage, or booking a coffee date with a friend, or spending the extra time to cook yourself a nourishing meal, like whatever it needs to be to uplift your physical or mental or spiritual health. That is so important.
And I think that's one of the reasons why people will often say to me, oh, like, I had no idea that you were dealing with that, or you always seem like you have it together, it's like, well, because even in the challenging times, I'll just spend extra time on my health. And maybe I'm only showing up two or three hours a day in the business. But I'm doing income producing activities in that time. So what you see is somebody who's working hard, but what I am experiencing is somebody who just is dialing in on the most important stuff, the marketing that actually produces clients, the the outputs that are most valued by my community, like this podcast, you know, I never miss a week of the podcast in five years.
And so you just get better at picking out what is absolutely required of me right now. And you know, outside of that, too. It is the beginning of spring and the weather is getting nicer. And as that happens, I am more involved in the cycling community here. I helped to run our local bike club. I'm more keen to spend time in the backyard, hosting friends hosting family sitting by the river, paddling down the river Dave and I got our boats out our kayaks or paddle boards on the water a couple of weekends ago and so yeah, life especially in the summer can move quickly.
And I really want to savor it this year and just do all I can to enjoy this season of life. And to not work too hard. I have a friend who was actually taking six weeks off this summer and sometimes I think to myself, Why am I not doing that? Like I could do that if I wanted right? Maybe one day it's not in my cards for this year. I don't want to but it is an interesting thought to think I can structure my week, my year my mind. Anyway I want and there is literally nobody putting constraints on me.
Nobody putting limits on me if I want a four day workweek I can do it. If I want a three day workweek I can do it. If I want to take every single August off, I can do it. If I want to only work between the hours of 10 and three, I can do it. And it's so crazy to me how ingrained the corporate mindset has actually been inside of my own brain and body. I've been doing my own thing for seven years now. And I still catch myself trying to remove the programs that work in corporate put onto me, which is all those things I just mentioned that the work week is Monday to Friday, nine to five, you don't really get to just take days off your lunch break is an hour your salary cap is. It's so, so insane, you guys. So if you're in your early days of starting a business, and you came from the corporate world, really stay aware of where you're getting caught up where you are, like, on repeat with the same patterns that you used to. Maybe that used to serve you in the corporate world because you were following their narrative. But my God, you work for yourself now. Or maybe you are going to work for yourself. None of that matters, none of it. And there are certain things you'll probably want to keep, like, for me keeping an eight hour workday, it made sense to me the last seven years because I had the time and space.
And generally I had the bandwidth and focused output for that long. But there are also things that might not serve you like maybe working Monday to Friday, it just doesn't really make sense in your schedule, because you love working on weekends or evenings. Maybe you pricing your services to a point where you're only ever going to generate about 50,000 a year, maybe that doesn't make sense. Because you have bigger dreams, you have bigger ambitions, you have more impact to give. So why not double or triple those prices and give more value become more of a desired practitioner. So anyways, to sum up my life updates, I mean, things have been great. I feel like I've been slowing down a little bit to speed up. I've been reevaluating our program offerings and the business, I've been sitting in my life a lot more rather than trying to do doo doo all the time. And I've been making a continued effort to take time off through the week to go visit friends to check in on people who I haven't seen in a while to do lunch with the business bestie. You know, whatever it is that fills my life cup up. So that's kind of it for the life updates. Of course, there's so much more, but I also don't share everything. I know I'm very, very, very open and public. But I also draw the line, right? Like I'm not the type of person who shows up and cries on social media stories, not that there's anything wrong with that. But that's not the content that I'm looking to bring to the world. Alright, let's get into business updates business over the last 90 days. Well, you know what's so cool, I logged into my payment provider the other day, I use a software called moonclerk. AndI saw something that made my jaw drop. And that's that we had collected over 1000 payments since launching the visionary method. Now some of that is people on payment plans, but hundreds of those people are students of our courses.
They are private clients, there are people going through any of our programs. And I thought holy shit 1000 payments. When I first expressed the idea for the visionary method, many many years ago, when I launched it as a 90 day course that costed I think it was $897 or $797. I know that there are a lot of people who doubted me who wondered what the heck I was doing, who were kind of perplexed at why I was starting to promote things in the online world. And I stuck to my guns in that moment. I hired a business coach in that moment because I knew if I hired someone who was further along than me, who was going to keep me on track that I could really do this. And so I found my first coach. I put together the visionary method and it was all started as an idea. I transferred it all to sticky notes and they were on our porch sliding door for so long like Dave walked into the apartment every day. and just saw all these sticky notes that had all the seven modules mapped out.
And guys, nobody really believed in me. Like, of course, Dave, my husband did. But he also had no idea I hadn't made $1 from the visionary method, so why should he believe me? Fast forward to today 1000 payments, almost half a million dollars collected just from one course. I, I don't even have words, because when I think about younger Kelsey who put this together, how brave she was how fearless she was, how many sly comments she had to navigate as she found her way in the online world. How many people didn't necessarily doubt her but never gave encouraging words, or never really talked about this new path Iwas taking. Man, it feels good to see that
number, just as a four digit number of what's possible. And I just know that someday I'm gonna look at it. And it's gonna say 10,000 payments, and millions of dollars generated. So that feels really special. And I say that to inspire you to know that things are coming like it's taken me many years to get here. But the work has paid off. And it has not been easy, I can tell you that with certainty. If I had wavered any day, or any Few days back to back, and quit, none of this would have been possible, I wouldn't be working full time for myself. Building a business that I actually love. Like, it brings me so much joy, I love the products. I'm open to evolving, because I know that what works today doesn't necessarily work a year from now. And I just, I want to encourage you to stay the course and to know that everything that you are doing every seed that you plant, every thankless job that you do behind the scenes is adding up it is It's like somebody is writing a check for the future you they're just watching you. And from the way you move about your life and interact with the person that the coffee store to the way that you show up on a sales call and genuinely care about that person to the way you infuse your website with all of you all of that stuff is contributing to your future check. And when you stay true to you, when you really stay in that place of joy when you create, instead of just outputting random content through chat GPT instead of relying on other people to do the work for you like guys, that's not going to work for long. You can't hire out, outsource your magic to a chat bot, you can't outsource your magic to contractors in the early days like preserve the magic that only you have. And if you let that be crowded out by artificial intelligence, you're never gonna get it back. Right.
And if you totally disconnect yourself from the unique edge that only you bring to your industry, you're not ever going to grow to a level that you desire, because you'll be swimming and upon with every other person who's doing the same, right? So I guess all this to say is like, number one, stay strong in your belief and your conviction of what you do. Number two, practice the slight edge. That's one of my favorite books, which is just showing up and knowing that all your efforts compound. And number three, stay in that place of being the energy of the clients, you want to attract serving, even when you don't know who's watching, and watch as your business starts to grow, you get more referrals and things really start to kick off for you. So I guess my business update is that it pays to stay the course. And also that you're gonna have to pivot like right now we are rebuilding the foundation of the visionary method. I have been teaching free trainings for the last three and a half years. And everything in my gut kept telling me keep going keep giving this free value you always show up Calce three and a half years later, you haven't missed a Wednesday but there was also a voice in my head that told me it's time to take this free mastermind to the next level.
And it has been such a pleasure to offer free guidance and free support and free resources. However, as the visionary brand continues to grow, I'm also excited to close down the free mastermind and transition to a paid version that's even more elevated, more valuable, or I can show up and, and know that everybody who's there wants to be there and is there with a sparkle in their eye because they have huge goals for the next 12 months, whether that's goal is to increase revenue or to find more balanced with their family. And so, I'm working with a mindset coach to actually create this mastermind where the value is going to be immeasurable because you're gonna get access to her and I and a small group of other incredible business owners, and this will be a place where your goals are not only met, but exceeded. If you've ever been in a mastermind before you, you know, the magic, it is so insane. I have absolutely loved joining my own masterminds over the last seven years. And they're the only reason why I'm here today. I've learned so much from so many other people, not just business coaches that I've hired. But from masterminds, where I've been immersed in groups of 1020 or 30 other people who really like they're there for the same reasons, because they're not stopping. And they need to be around a group of people who have a drive equal to theirs, you know. So, okay, I'm going to take a breath and pause here. That is kind of what's been going on in life and in business. Something that I'm always learning about myself is that as a human being, and as an entrepreneur, everything that has happened to me, has simply made me stronger. It's happened for me. And that resilience is a muscle that is built over time, over circumstances over failed and successful experiences. And the thing that gets me through every time is a deep seated connection to my vision, a deep connection to the life that I am living the friends that I am around the activities that fill my free time, and a deep connection to the why of my business, and always supporting the clients who have entrusted me with their business and marketing strategy and making sure that there is community in everybody who is in our visionary universe, because that resiliency muscle doesn't get built alone in isolation. It gets built when we can talk through our challenges and our opportunities with other others. Ha ha, all right. I don't know if anything in here was useful. But I do enjoy doing these catch ups with you. So if you tuned in, if you listened all the way to the end, why don't you just let me know by saying a quick hello on Instagram.
Let me know that you listened to the most recent life update. And if anything I mentioned in this show interests you you can check the show notes for links on how to learn more. Or as always, you can even send me a DM on Instagram, I love chatting with you guys there I send you know, between 1020 or 30 DMS a day. And that's just because the whole point of this business is connection, and community. And that's definitely not a one sided conversation. So I hope you have a visionary day, get out and enjoy the sunshine or the rain or the you know, if you live like us in Ontario, we had hail yesterday in April. You just never know Right? But there's still an opportunity to get out. Enjoy nature. And that's it. So I will see you guys next week. And in the meantime, have a visionary day. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either iTunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice tagging me at Kelsey Reidl.I'll catch you in the next episode. Hey visionaries. I wanted to interrupt this podcast to actually let you know about an upcoming offering that I am launching in collaboration with professional mindset and success coach Emily Elliot, you've probably heard me talk about your 2023 leap cohort number one has been so successful. And this is the highly anticipated program, because there was so much demand for it in 2022, that myself a marketing consultant and top rated marketing coach, and Emily Elliot, again, who's a professional success and mindset coach, we've teamed up to actually launch another cohort of your 2023 Leap, our first cohort, they're having smashing successes, and the momentum is huge. So we've decided to launch it again in May of 2023. Between Emily and I, we have helped 1000s of individuals to grow their mindset and grow their success. And we're going to teach you the MVP model, mindset plus visibility equals more profitability. And if you're a for profit business, this is something that is so important that you dial in both of these pillars. But don't sign up yet. First, I want to run you through a few little things to see if you're ready for your 2023 leap. So if you want to learn from Emily how to embody the physiology of success, this has been a game changer for me personally, people have literally messaged me on Instagram, I got a voice note from my friend Mark last night.
And he said, Kelsey, I don't know what's going on. But something's different about you. And I attribute this to embodying the physiology of success, which Emily is teaching me. And he's also going to teach us how to step into an entrepreneurial mindset. There are so many blocks that you might carry through from your previous corporate job that are actually keeping you stagnant. And I've recorded an entire podcast episode about this, called the three mindset blocks that were keeping me stuck. And then I step in each week over the 90 days to teach you a foolproof marketing strategy so that you can connect with unlimited clients. That's pretty awesome, right? So I'm going to teach you how to use social media to convert followers into paid clients. I'm going to teach you how to build a simple sales and marketing funnel. I'm also going to show you how to leverage Google and SEO to get more leads to your business. This is so important, and 99% of businesses are not taking advantage of it. And you're also just going to be surrounded by the most insane entrepreneurs, we have 15 people in this cohort and my gosh, like there are tears there are there is laughter. A lot of the comments that have come through our private Slack channel, say this is the program I didn't know I needed. I was so lonely. I was doing this with blinders on before your 2023 leap. And it's incredible to see how these individuals are collaborating both on the calls and off. And I must say Emily and I are pretty awesome leaders of these hour and a half calls that we have each week. So if this all sounds good to you, I want you to head to Kelseyreidl/2023, Kelseyreidl.com/two Zero to Three and just pop your name and email in there so you know about the upcoming launch and we might even send you some special bonuses when the time comes to start enrolling. So, again, we cannot wait to see you inside of cohort number two and back to the episode
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If youโre searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that youโre in the right place.
I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method
Mentioned on the Episode:
If you're in the early stages of building your business... Your 2023 Leap is for you!
Are you a woman who is a coach, consultant, practitioner or has a service-based business (photographer, nutritionist, wellness coach, naturopath, doula, etc.) who is looking to change more lives, work with more clients in less time, and earn more money in 2023?
If you're more established, check out our Mastermind!
The Leap Mastermind: a weekly mastermind that provides ongoing support as you market your business and maintain the success mindset, required for continuous growth.
It's ALL about being around the right peopleโmaking new friends and business partners who understand your challenges with running a business AND building an epic life.
What we offer is guidance, expertise and accountability so that progress happens faster and easier. And of course there will be strategy sessions on how to work smarter not harder as you scale your business faster over the next 12 months!