258 Why 70% of Entrepreneurs Give Up & How You Can Avoid it
Starting a business can be extremely rewarding but also detrimental to your physical and mental health.
Starting a business can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also take a toll on your mental and physical health (aka BURNOUT).
Navigating failed launches, not getting clients, posting so much content without a boost of engagement: all of these can accelerate your journey to burnout.
HOWEVER - there are things we can do as Business Owners to mitigate burnout and continue feeling JOY and EXCITEMENT towards the growth of our businesses.
Things like: prioritizing our Mindset-Hygiene, getting out of the Robotic State that you're in, and reconnecting to WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU LOVE, and infuse this work into your NEW marketing plan.
Tune into this weeks podcast episode to learn more about Burnout (search 'Visionary Life' on your app of choice).
In this episode, we chat about:
How burnout is being exacerbated by social media and content marketing
What is burnout? What are the symptoms?
What’s the root of all this burnout?
The importance of treating our mindset hygiene as top notch priority, our work and our business will suffer
YOUR 2023 LEAP: We are guiding coaches, practitioners and consultants to earn MORE while MARKETING LESS, and supporting them to make a BIG leap faster than any online course, free PDF, or webinar on the internet. Learn more at www.kelseyreidl.com/2023
Access the transcript for this episode:
Hey visionaries, welcome back to a little mini episode in honor of launch week for your 23 leads.
So I want to talk about burnout. And then I'm going to pass it over to Emily. Burnout is interesting. Entrepreneurship, as you know, can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience.
But it can also take a toll on our mental and our physical health, right. If you are starting a business, or you've been in business for a few years, you know that there are ups and downs, and you've probably experienced just the sheer mental bandwidth that it takes to push the business forward every single day, perhaps you've also poured your heart and soul into a launch of your business.
And you've put together these packages that you thought were gonna sell, you've hosted challenges, maybe you did a webinar, or you're making your website beautiful, maybe you spent a lot of money on it. But you're still hearing crickets, that could lead to burnout. I see this all the time.
Or maybe you've spent a lot of money on contractors and freelancers. And you've been looking for answers in books that you buy on Amazon, or with these self study courses that you keep buying, or you're watching endless YouTube videos, but you still don't feel like you have all the answers. It's like, maybe you don't need more information at this point.
If you're feeling burnout, please know that you're not alone. It's a very common issue at all points along the entrepreneurial journey. But especially in those first zero to three years, when you have to make a lot of decisions with uncertainty, you don't have guaranteed Product Market Fit yet.
And you're trying a lot of things, you're wearing a lot of hats, you're keeping a lot of balls in the air to use all these analogies. And that burnout can start to become detrimental to your motivation. Maybe you're not having a ton of momentum produced.
And ultimately, it may lead you to want to just close the doors, turn off the lights and just say you know what, I still have my corporate job. Maybe I just go back and focus there. Or you know what, I took a stab at this thing. I thought I could make this business work.
But I'm hitting a wall and it seems silly to continue onwards. And it's interesting, because I see with my clients too, that burnout is currently being exacerbated by social media, and the world of content marketing. So thinking that as a solopreneur, you are expected like who's saying this, I don't know, but that you're expected to create weekly blogs, weekly podcast episodes, weekly YouTube videos, you're supposed to build an email list and send weekly newsletters.
And then on top of that, you're supposed to create micro content for Tik Tok, and be on Instagram creating reels, Instagram feed posts, Instagram Stories, you're managing your Instagram, DMS, you're on LinkedIn, you're on pitch oh my god, like, it is absolutely insane, right? No wonder there's a high level of burnout with today's online entrepreneur, with today's coach or practitioner. It is actually a warranted feeling when you think about that long list of places you're supposed to be showing up. So it can definitely feel like there's never ending path to Nowhere.
But I know for me, the best thing I can do is catch my burnout before it happens. And a lot of the time this is when I need to reroute into community and to stop pushing so hard on my own. Like if you've ever had that feeling where you're just sitting in your office and you're like, I'm sending out all this stuff, nothing's working.
And you're just like you're doing the same ritual day after day you're showing up at your computer. You're putting content out there, but you're not even getting great engagement. This is the time when you need to get out of your own world and get into a master mind where you put yourself in a group of people who are going to share best practices who are going to get you thinking differently because one mind on its own can only come up with certain solutions.
But when you put different minds together, you actually get a master mind and that's kind of where that word comes from. And you renew that excitement for your business and it opens your eyes to other possibilities like the way we see our business and the way we create right now is very narrow, focused. It's like a horse with blinders on.
But for me about once or twice a year I invest between five and $20,000 in a mastermind. It completely opens my blinders and actually helps me avoid burnout, it helps me avoid that feeling of, I don't even want to work today.
Because if I don't like that, to me is the death if I am not excited to pour into my business, so if you are feeling that this is the time to make a change, and to make sure you get that spark back and feel lit up.
So, in this little mini series for the launch of your 2023 Leap, I'm actually going to pass it over to mindset coach Emily Elliot, and she's going to talk about the causes of burnout for entrepreneurs, and discuss ways to prevent it, and to manage it.
So I think you're really gonna love this. It's just a short episode after this. And I just want to remind you that with the right mindset and the right marketing growth plan, it is possible to avoid burnout.
And we are excited to see you inside of your 2023 leap. This is a 90 day group coaching experience starting Feb first. So time is ticking, we'd love to see you inside, the best way to learn more is to just go to Kelseyreidl.com/2023, you can submit a quick application and we'll see if this is going to be the program for you. So we'll see you inside and enjoy this chat with Emily visionaries I've been scheming something new for you with my friend and professional mindset coach Emily Elliot.
It's called your 2023 leap. And it is a highly anticipated program created by myself, a marketing coach and Emily Elliot, a professional mindset Coach, your 2023 leap is the most practical and effective way to change the way you do business and life in 2023.
And beyond. This is a program where you'll get tools every single week that are literally going to change how you interact with this world and how you earn in this world.
Combined, Emily and I have worked with 1000s of women. And now you can get 12 weeks of access to us alongside a group of peers for a very, very low cost. And I'll talk about that more in a minute. But don't sign up yet. First, I want to ensure that you're ready for what's to come, we start on February 1, and it is a 90 day group coaching program.
So I want to make sure you're ready to actually master your entrepreneurial mindset, you're not going to be someone who is okay with the status quo, okay, making what you used to make in your corporate job, I want to make sure you're ready to implement marketing strategies to that are going to connect you with the growth and the unlimited clients you're looking for in just 90 days, I also want to make sure you're ready to take big leaps in your personal goals. So we know that as we grow personally, we also grow professionally. So if you're experiencing a block, maybe it's because of how you grew up, or something that's been downloaded onto you. It is affecting your capacity to grow your business.
So we're going to teach you science back techniques to undo the blocks, break through them, and then apply the right techniques to actually see your business or I want to make sure you're ready to use social media to convert clients to build simple sales funnels, no complication here.
That's not my vibe. I'm going to teach you how to use Google and SEO, which is going to be your long term strategy for getting more clients and patients and people into your business. And you also need to be ready to be surrounded by a group of people who have a fire under their butt who are ready to 2x 5x or 10x, their success, their confidence and the client bookings in 2023.
If you don't like being around people who are kicking ass and winning in life, this group is not for you. So if you join your 2023 Leap, and if you're ready to join right now go to Kelseyreidl.com/2023. But you're going to save time, you're going to equip yourself essentially with a million dollar Mindset and Marketing strategies to get yourself to your version of success in limited time. So we're saving you time when you join this program.
You're gonna save money because normally if you were to hire both Emily and I, so Emily, as your mindset coach me as your marketing consultant, we would charge you more than $12,000.
So it's not affordable for a lot of people at their stage of business. However, you can join your 2023 leap for less than $3,000. And we even have payment plans to make it super accessible so that you'll earn the money back in the course. And we're gonna save you energy because group momentum is real.
I've been part of so many great group coaching programs, and you're among expanders so you show up to the weekly call. Everybody shares their wins or successes and of course there's time to share challenges. And then we work through it and then the wheel starts rolling really fast because you hear that Sarah just had her first time k month. You hear that Kristen has grown her practice by 36% You hear that? Taryn?
Just triple Hold her application rate, it's insane. And you're gonna go out and chase that too. So don't wait a minute longer your 2023 leap is for 20 individuals who want to access the tools and the techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals in business. We're going to be meeting on Zoom one time, weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks. And there's constant support in between. So you have access to Emily and I, for 90 days, you could literally message us every day over the 90 days and get full access, squeeze that value of $12,000 out. We are so excited, this is going to be game changing. And you can learn more and sign up at Kelseyreidl.com/ 2023. See you inside.
Hello, and welcome to episode 28 of the magnetically I'm here today with myself to talk about something that's super prevalent, which is burnout in our businesses. So what exactly is burnout?
Herbert Freudenberger defines burnout is a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause way of life or relationship that is failed to produce the expected reward. Whoa. So we basically are robotically trying to over exert ourselves over and over and we're just not yielding what we want to. So what some of the symptoms of burnout be, you might identify with feeling more tired, more annoyed, working harder and harder and you know, accomplishing less and lies increasingly cynical and disenchanted, forgetting things, irritable, that was a really big one for me at the height of burnout. There's some physical complaints like brain fog, not really wanting to see people the way you used to, and maybe not even having much to say anymore, you're just kind of like apathetic.
So let's ask what causes burnout. One of the top limiting beliefs that's gonna cause this extreme burnout cycle is not good enough. Because when we're coming from a place constantly are not good enough. You know, everything I do is subpar. So you're pushing harder and harder to achieve this result that might actually be impossible, because you're setting a bar that just is so past, what makes sense, what's human, something else at the root of all this burnout that we're all feeling is there's too much competition, paired with a crazy amount of isolation. So we're looking out at the market and everything going on, and we're in an insane state of overwhelm, I could be doing this, I could be doing that, kind of like shiny object syndrome, there's so many things I could be doing, I could be a YouTube star. And we just kind of shut down.
And then we're either pushing too hard or apathetic and doing nothing at all. And, you know, in the past, communities worked together to figure things out and make it happen, and many hands make light work. But now, so many of us truly are having to shoulder more and more.
So rather than letting the limiting belief of I have to do it all my own, how can we actually look at what our current conditions are, and start to figure out what resources are available, so that we can get the codes, the resources, the plans that are going to help us put in just the right amount of work to be yielding results. So that's actually why I've partnered with Kelsey Rydell, who's an expert marketing consultant, and she helps map out this is what works in marketing. And me over here, my zone of genius is mindset. So let's take a look at some of these burnout beliefs that are just not working for us. You know, in a, in a day, we have so many thoughts. Many of them are on repeat, and many of them are negative. So if we are not treating our mindset hygiene, as top notch priority, our work and our business will suffer. This is like we should be working on our mindset, the way we work on brushing our teeth. We need to be detectives of our thinking and figure out where they came from. And, you know, there's one big piece that I really wanted to bring to this podcast today. And that's the number one thing that I believe is causing burnout. Which is when we push and get in this robotic state with this motto, thinking, the top piece to leave the table is our soul. Like, who are you? What do you love? When does your twinkle come out? And often when we're caught in the burnout cycle, we're not making time for our spirits, our soul anymore.
And when our audience can't see what makes us feel alive, they're going to disconnect to. So working on a marketing plan, rediscovering who we are in our hearts and souls and letting you will see that this is paramount to breaking the burnout business cycle. What else can you be doing? You need to be real with the fact that a lot of the thinking we've downloaded has come from childhood. And we don't even know what's there. So we could be literally posting a number in our minds like I will make $10,000 This month or whatever your number is, I know we're all at different places per month. But if your beliefs aren't matching those numbers, it's just it's not going to happen. So if you're looking for practical, tangible ways to start breaking the burnout cycle, and stepping into your more magical business, passion side, to recall it back.
Get into community of like minded people. This is where you find the resources, the synergies, the passion starts to reemerge, we are human beings were designed to be encircled with one another. And I really invite you and encourage you to consider joining 2023 Leap, which is a program designed by my friend and colleague Kelsey Rydell. And I where we'll be working on dissolving mindset blocks and laying out the play on the roadmap to get where you want to be in your business in 2023. So here's a bit more of the program having now. Thanks so much for listening and wishing you the most wonderful day.
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Mentioned in our Episode:
YOUR 2023 LEAP: We are guiding coaches, practitioners and consultants to earn MORE while MARKETING LESS, and supporting them to make a BIG leap faster than any online course, free PDF, or webinar on the internet. Learn more at www.kelseyreidl.com/2023