352 How To Manipulate & Bend TIME (squeeze MORE out of YOUR life!!)
How to Live 3 Days in ONE!
In this episode, I'm sharing my recent thoughts around TIME.
Time is so fascinating, isn't it? We've all heard the expression 'Beyonce ALSO has 24 hours in the day...' and then suddenly felt poorly about our lives. But what does the expression actually mean?
Yes, we all have 24 hours in the day.
But we don't all THINK about those hours equally!
In this episode, I ponder the concept of time. And I ask questions like...
can we expand time?
can we contract it?
what does it mean to KILL time?
how do we live multiple days in 24 hours?
do we all treat 24 hours the same?
what are some time management tips?
can I work an '8 hour day' in just 2 hours?
Episode Time Stamps:
[04:34] Prioritizing Time over Distractions
[09:41] How to Live Three Days in One
[12:22] Time Blocking Enhances Daily Productivity
[19:50] How to Color-Coded Scheduling is a game-changer
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I have to be upstairs to relieve my child care by 3:45. Like, everything is in a block today and this is the only block I have to sit down and record this.
So I've got no choice. Fiona Past one on one client of mine, she says to create before you consume. I think this is such an important time management technique because I often see people who are mismanaging their time. They let their energy leak in so many places. So they're responding to text messages, they're letting notifications ping and ding and buzz. And by midday they're low energy because they've just been letting things leak or they've been consuming content and they haven't created anything.And then seven days go by and they haven't created anything. But yet they've read 900 people others posts. Did I say that right? They've read a lot of posts on the Internet, so I think that's really, really smart. So thank you, Fiona, Serena, Melanie and Evie. And I've got a few more time management tips to share. I just need to pull them up. Okay, I'm taking the LinkedIn for the next set. So Jessica, who I used to work with at the Amazing Vega, she says ruthless prioritization.
And she says the priority is based on a preset quarterly goal broken down by month and week and reviewed daily. And she's got a matrix for this man. That is somebody who is really diligent. I love that. It's knowing what is the big, big goal for the annual or quarterly achievement and then breaking it down. What do I need to do this month, this week, today and maybe in the next hour. So that's absolutely brilliant. John McKee, a brilliant copywriter, high converting copywriter who I've worked with numerous times.
He says to commit to 45 minute work stints and imagine that you've got to get it done in 45 minutes. That's especially important for those of you who are freelancers working on the clock. If somebody pays you a thousand dollars to write five emails for them, you could do it in 50 hours or maybe you can get it done in 45 minutes. So that's pretty awesome. Thank you John for that. I think the important part here is thinking. Melanie said 20 minute increments, John said 45. Choose an increment that works for you.
Do you know what your focus capacity is? Is it 10 minutes? Is it 20? Is it 40? Some of you can focus for 75 minutes. That's awesome. So really think about what is going to be most effective there. And Whitney, she says do not disturb mode on Slack. I totally, totally agree. I think turning off distraction is one of the most powerful things that we can do and we are living in the age of distraction. So even if you're just making incremental improvements, that's amazing. Okay, last but not least, I went to my Facebook profile and am enlisting any time feedback.
See, this is just kind of like a an all over the map podcast about time. But just know that I have a lot more brewing in my brain about it. So Cheryl says scheduling her day with a calendar and a timeline, assigning her work as an appointment. I love that for me, if it's not in my Google Calendar, it's not getting done. And I share my Google calendar with my husband. I put everything in there, including walking to an event, including time to shower, including chill time, all my appointments, you name it, it's in my Google cal and it's color coded. I love color coding. Julie Rosel says make a list and tackle it plain and simple.
Heather says to do list and time blocking. Tiffany says, having a planner. I just got a beautiful mindful planner created by my client Angela Lopez of inspiration inspiring mindful growth. It's amazing. Nick says manufacturing urgency. This is a really interesting one. So he says that virtually everyone works best under the right amount of Pressure and obviously the right amount is different from person to person. But what Nick is saying, we used to play water polo together.
He says it can be simple. It can be like time blocking, where you get a specific task done during the time allotted. It could be creating an arbitrary deadline. It could be breaking down a project into smaller bits and assigning deadlines for each small bit. It can be based in anxiety, where you think about what competitors are up to. But the general concept of I have to do X before Y forces activity. So yeah, super, super great tip. And then a couple that I love here.
Britt Dunlop says her best time management tip is just being a woman in general and especially being a mama. Love that Jerry Ugalde says, pack your lunch at night. Yep. That's like, put out your gym clothes at night. Do the thinking of your next day's work before you go into the day.
Don't start your day in reaction mode. Know what you're going to be doing. And Kathy Stanley says, take time to pause, breathe and reflect on what truly matters. And hug someone you love. Today is precious. Tomorrow will come. I mean, this is so beautiful. That's one of my, my mama's friends.
So I appreciate ending there. So, yeah, I mean, this is kind of the, the craziness that goes on in my brain if this topic of time interests you. I've been saying to Dave, my husband Dave, I work a 10 hour workday in 2 hours most days. And he tells me a lot about what happens in corporate life and often.
Says, like, there is a lot of.
Wasted time in the workday when you go into an office and there's a lot of water cooler talk and this and that and the other people, you know, who, God knows what some of you might have experience here. So I just think that we are looking at time in the wrong way. If we say, yeah, I should answer my emails for an hour and then I should create content for an hour and then I should give myself two hours of whatever. Like, I want to bend time. I want to see time on a quantum scale. Where I can do this is gonna sound weird, but, like, I think I can output more in maybe an hour than somebody who's not clear on their priorities can output in a month or a week or a year. I don't know, like really thinking about it. I think that we can bend time and I know that.
So I used to work for a company called Vega. Brendan Brazier, he had this philosophy that when you're doing new things, time slows down. But when you're living on autopilot. We tend to say, oh, that weekend flew by, or oh, January slipped out of my hands. And no, I can't believe it's already February. I mean, I say those things too. Again, I'm not immune to these like autopilot phrases that we say of like, ah, can't believe it's December, can't believe it's January, can't believe it's a new year. So I think that often is a reminder that when you're not doing something new, time feels repetitive and on autopilot.
So it's like, have you done any new adventures today? What would make time slow down for you? What makes time speed up? And maybe starting with a little self reflection and then please reach out to me and let me know what are your thoughts around time? What are some philosophies that have helped you to take more out of your time, to get your time back, to give your time to the right things? I think this is an important conversation that I don't hear a lot of people having, so maybe this is a future project that I want to dive more into. But in the meantime, thanks for listening to my rambles. We will be back next week with another solo show all about the one success secret that my business coach told me about seven years ago that has been single handedly responsible for so much of my growth over the last seven years as a marketing consultant. All right you guys, thanks for listening to the Visionary Life podcast and I will catch you next week. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Visionary Life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis, so it would mean so much to me if you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either itunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice.
Tagging me at Kelsey Rydle. I'll catch you in the next episode. Hey Visionary, I want to interrupt this episode to share a little bit more about one on one coaching. I work with clients who want to stay on top of the latest marketing trends, who want to bring more ease into their marketing funnel or just build a marketing funnel in the first place as maybe you don't have one yet and ultimately take the effort and overwhelm out of your marketing plan. I know your energy is limited and you just want someone to tell you what to do. Should you be on threads? Should you be creating on TikTok how do you grow an email list? What does SEO mean? Anyways? This is why I offer private one on one business and marketing coaching for business owners like you who need help with their marketing strategy. You can head to kelseyridle.com private coaching to learn exactly what it's going to look like if we decide to work together. And I'm excited because I can give you the precise strategies that will take your business to the next level this year.
So if you want to learn more KelseyRidle.com Private coaching of course it is a bit more of an investment than any of my other courses or offerings, but my private clients are seeing crazy results. Christina landed a six figure consulting contract. Emily signed six clients in one day. Barb had a Black Friday sale that generated a lot of money. And these are all based on the strategies that we've implemented. So kelseyridle.com private coaching you can learn all about it. You can see all of the amazing visionary businesses that I've worked with and supported over the last decade and I I can't wait to see your application come through. Kelsey rle.com Private coaching now back to the episode.
Hey visionary is 2025, the year that you stop going at your business alone, where you stop feeling isolated and like you have nobody to turn to in times of need, when you have questions or you're looking to scale your business but you're not sure how, or in times of celebration where you want to look around and say I just did that. I had a 10k month. The 20k month. I just signed my highest ticket client ever.
Whatever the case is, the highs, the.
Lows, we need community when it comes to running our businesses. And honestly you guys, the biggest gold mine that you're sitting on right now is not getting more social media followers. It's not going to be growing your email list or learning Pinterest or launching a digital course. It's going to be the people who you surround yourself. The people who you can call to celebrate the good times and the bad times and those chosen colleagues who you will share your success secrets with and who you will become best friends with on this roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship. That's why we've created the Wave Mastermind and we have in real life events here in Ontario, Canada. If you are someone who is looking to connect with a community of female entrepreneurs, you can head to kelseyridle.com mastermind. You can learn all about what we do every single Wednesday day when we're together.
We have such an epic group There are about 25 women in the group right now and we are rising to success together. Every single week we talk about a different business topic or we do where you ats where we go round table and see where people are at and how we can hold them accountable. We also have real life events where we meet up. We've done one in Elora, Ontario in Pus Lynch Lake, Ontario. And you can get on the wait list for our next one if you click the link in the description below. So whether you want to join the Mastermind virtually you want to come out to a real life event, make sure you get in touch.
This is the way that you are.
16:58 - 29:50
Going to continue to grow beyond your current circumstances. If you find yourself stuck or lonely or feeling like you just don't know what to do next, this is your community. I know. For me, Masterminds have been responsible for every single big leap I've had in business and I could not do this without the incredible network of people that I've built over the last decade. So if you want to learn more, kelseyreidl.com, and if you want to come out to one of our events, our next one is coming up in just a few months.
So DM me on Instagram or send me an email hello@kelseyreidl.com and we will chat.
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