282 The Bold Decision Behind Ending My Free Weekly Coaching Calls
How I made a bold decision that was outside my comfort zone.
Tune in.
Are you ready to hear how I made an extremely bold decision that was outside of my comfort zone?
Get ready, because I'm going to be taking you step-by-step through why I ended my free weekly coaching calls, and the results that came from it.
It was a bold move that I resisted in multiple ways, but instead it had amazing results.
I'll explain it all, inside of this episode.
In this episode, Kelsey chats about:
The importance of making connections and networking
Staying in your comfort zone is the death of your business
Leaning into the subtle nudge when itβs time to change your business
To connect with Kelsey
Access the transcript for this episode:
You're listening to the visionary life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.
Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth, in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode. It's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us, you know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime, but perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up. I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in.
Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the podcast. I am here for a little mini solo episode. But I want to let you know I'm doing something very different today. So if you hear birds chirping, if you hear geese honking if you hear a river flowing, if you hear wind rustling, if you hear my dog chomping on a stick, all of this is because I am recording the visionary life podcast, for the first time ever, from my backyard podcast recording studio, aka from a Muskoka chair, sitting on the river. And why am I here? Well, because number one, nature is what brings me clarity, creativity and joy. And some days when I just don't feel like I can be cooped up in my office. I am somebody who loves to just work from different spaces and places you might remember I recorded a whole podcast episode about why I decided to take three trips in three months.
And I just needed to really shake it up. So sometimes for me, that looks like getting on a plane. And other times for me that looks like recording podcasts from the backyard. So anyways, that's one of the reasons why I'm out here.And number two, I've just had a really busy week. So I've had back to back client calls. And I've kind of been on my computer looking at a screen facilitating groups for three straight days. And when I woke up and looked at my calendar this morning, I realized that for some reason, I didn't have any client calls. And I didn't have any podcast recordings that I had to attend to. And so I quickly blocked off the entire day on my Google Cal. And I started dreaming. And this is something that we forget to do a lot we forget to give ourselves time to dream. And I'm lucky because I don't have kids at home that I need to tend to. My husband goes off to work at 715 in the morning. And so I was looking at my day ahead saying I have full freedom and autonomy to do whatever I want. And so I started thinking about going paddleboarding down the river, I started thinking about going for a really slow, nourishing walk with a podcast and with my dog, I started thinking about texting, friends and going mountain biking, and all of that I will be doing.
But first I thought I kind of want to connect with all of you because this is a really busy month inside of the visionary universe. And something really amazing happened yesterday that I want to ensure I share with all of you.
So let's take it back to yesterday. I woke up yesterday with a bit of a heavy feeling on my heart. After three and a half years of facilitating a weekly Wednesday call with the visionary method, which is a group of startup online entrepreneurs who are building up to their first 50k in annual revenue. And these calls as of yesterday, were going to come to an end. And before I tell you what it transitioned into and why I decided to end it. I actually want to take you back to March 2020. I'm sure most of you remember exactly where you were or what you were doing because this is when the world shut down and COVID hit and for me I had already created the visionary method. I was doing a lot of coaching. Seeing clients one on one I'm doing a lot of freelancing. And when the world shut down in March of 2020, I knew that I had to step up and create a space where we could gather. And in this case, virtually because I had clients all over the world, and because we weren't supposed to leave our homes. And so I put out a notice to all my clients, I said, Hey, everyone, I hope you're doing well. I hope you are surviving this absolutely crazy, unprecedented time, I wanted to let you know that effective next week, I will be on Zoom, hosting a training or bringing on a guest expert or doing q&aStarting next Wednesday, from 12 to one Eastern, and I will show up every single Wednesday after that. And there's no end date to this. And so I started by telling my first 50 clients, and out of those 50, we maybe had six or seven attend. And then as new clients signed on, I invited them to join us, I said, Come hang out every Wednesday. This is a beautiful way to make connections to collaborate, to ask people for advice beyond just me like yes, I am happy to be your business and marketing consultant. But you know, what's also absolutely vital when you're building a business is connection and networking and meeting new people, and collaborating and sharing and swapping audiences. And knowing that the more you give, the more you get. So 20 to 25% of your time must be spent on relationship building. And a lot of junior business owners, they don't get that. They want to just follow the step by step template, do the 10 steps to grow your Instagram and expect that, you know, it can all be done in isolation, which simply is not true. At least in my opinion, I do think it takes a village takes a village to raise a child takes a village to grow a business. And there's this beautiful analogy that I learned from a mentor of mine, Simon Bowen, whereby there are four boxes, and each box fits inside of the last. And when you start a business, you're in that very first small box. And your goal is to walk around the small box and knock on doors. And to wait for one person to open a door. That could be a really amazing connection. And somebody meets you and says Wow, oh, you're asleep consultant for babies. Well, I actually run a conglomerate of daycares. And I'd love to bring you on board. And that person opens the door, and you walk into the next box. So you had to do a lot of knocking. But one person had the key to the next kingdom. And then when you're inside of the second box, you're knocking on doors, knocking on doors, having conversations, and you're looking for that one person to open up the next box. And at this case, it might be you are knocking on doors and somebody says hey, I run parent magazine and I want you to be a columnist. And so you knocked on 1000 doors and met 1000 people but it was one person that had the keys to the kingdom. And so connection is vital because you never know who's going to put you in touch with your next big break. And so this is something that I've always innately known as someone who started a business seven years ago that I needed to get out that I needed to meet people I needed to tell people what I was up to. But I noticed that in COVID people were almost going the opposite way. Right? They were not talking to anyone because they weren't getting out into the world anymore. They were just blasting messages on social media and everything was a one way conversation. And so I decided to start hosting
these weekly meetups. Sorry about the wind behind me. And so I hosted them every month, my program manager assistant and I we made new programming, so we would bring on guest experts, we would do these amazing mastermind conversations, I would host a lot of trainings for the crew. And fast forward about three, three and a half years. I started to have comments from clients, which was really cool. And they kept saying, You give so much value you should be charging for these. And I always thought no, no, no, this is just a lead generator for me. This is something I do because I love it. It's a you know a way that I can gather the community and it's very meaningful to me. So notice that I showed up without fail for three and a half years. Because it brought me joy because I was passionate about it. So I chose something that was a very, very, very lucrative marketing effort that I love doing. And I did it, even though I didn't really directly get paid for it. So if you want to take a clue, it's pick that thing, whether it's podcasting, YouTubing, hosting webinars once a week, or once a month, running challenges, and do it every week, or do it every month for years. Most people, they, they do something once they launch a program once, and they go, Oh, I only got two people, it must be a failure, I'm gonna give up. And they're not playing the long game, which really scares me. Because your big break could be right around the corner. But if you're not willing to put in the time and energy and effort, if you're not willing to enjoy the journey, I worry that you know, you're kind of missing the point of this entire roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship, right.
So anyways, fast forward three and a half years and I start to get these little pings that maybe it was time for me to evolve my offerings. And with that nudge to change also comes so much resistance. If you've ever read The War of Art, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Change makes us scared, change up routes us change is something that we avoid, to not experience discomfort, however, changes in our inevitable and essential if you are going to run a business. And so much as you may have found your comfort zone in business. Hear me when I say your comfort zone is the death of your business, because business is always evolving, marketing is always evolving, your client's needs are evolving, you are evolving. And that's one of the points that I really want to hone in on here is that I've evolved a lot in the last five years, three years. So when I started these weekly Wednesday calls, I was a different person than I am today. And the past few months have brought some really interesting challenges into my corner of the world. And I don't care to get deep on those health challenges. But what it made me realize was that things are not the same in my world anymore. I am different. And I need to look at my business. And because I am the chief visionary officer of my business, I need to look at my business and make sure it still works for me, and who I am today in this moment. Because if my business is not built in a way that aligns with the vision I have for my life, if my business is not centered around my current core values or my current boundaries, then I'm going to burn out. And when I burn out, there's nothing that comes from me because I leave the business rather than evolving it before I make myself sick or before I completely resent it. And I never want to see any of you resenting your business or feeling burnt out. And I really hope that you can take those subtle nudges, those subtle clues that are telling you, it might be time to take a critical look at what you're doing, it might be time to up your prices, it might be time to stop this weekly YouTube channel that you've been doing because it's not producing, it might be time to stop paying a social media manager. Because you're not getting results, it might be time to give up your one on one coaching because you don't have the bandwidth anymore. It might be time to stop hustling to sell $17 products, when what you really need is to sell more of your $500 product or your $3,000 product. There's so much resistance right because when we build our business as you guys know, you pour your blood, your sweat, your tears, your everything, your hustle into it. So to add in is an exciting space to be in but to take away to edit your business to change things. That's really scary to reduce your product offerings like me Maybe right now you have eight courses for sale and you do private coaching and you have 40 different groups, and you also offer in person and online and ebooks, and nothing's selling well, it's time to change, it's time to really look at what the next evolution is. And this is not going to be easy, you might not get that paying right away of what it is. But this is a good, good time to start leaning into that change what is being asked of you? What is that little calling? And, you know, I titled this episode, why I started a mastermind. And I was already running the free mastermind. But what I kept getting this nudge about was I want to start a paid mastermind that has high level conversations. And there's so many reasons for this decision, you guys. I mean, as early as last November, I was out in Canmore, with two of my business besties. Krista, the founder of dietitian Success Center, and Steph long, the founder of the next level nutrition biz podcast, and the launch your nutrition biz online course. And we were doing strategic planning for 2023. And I said to them, I really want to create this mastermind. And so I hosted market research calls, I brought together a really rad group of entrepreneurs and I ask them, is this right for you? Am I hitting the mark on what you want to pay for? I created the sales page, I priced it at the time at $660. Because I knew the people that would come in, they were already earning well, and I got ready to launch it in December. And then life got a little overwhelming. And things change. And normally I'm a gal who follows through on my word. And showing up and staying true to what I say I'm going to do is a big value of mine, but I had some some health issues that actually pulled me away from launching this project. And I honored that and I kind of said, okay, so now's not the right time, but there will be a right time. And then I went through this beautiful group program launch with my colleague, Emily Elliot, and we launched a program called your 2023 leap. This is for the person who is yearning to build an online business, get away from their corporate career, have somebody to teach them how to build in this beautiful online space that offers us infinite potential. This is what I did seven years ago, I quit my corporate job. And I started building an online business, Emily left her naturopathic doctor profession to be at home with her babies. And now she runs a mindset coaching business. So whether you aspire to have a coaching business, a product business, a service business, a consultant business, and you're starting from scratch, and you're really in those early phases of stepping into full time entrepreneurship or building up the mindset for it, you're stepping into learning how to not just talk about your product, but to market it and get visible. And you really want to have your first really profitable year. That's where this 12 week group program is perfect. And this starts on May 17. So if you're listening to this, really, really soon. So if you're somebody in those early stages, we would love to chat with you, you can head to Kelseyreidl.com and just fill out an application or head to the group coaching page. And we'd love to hear from you. But after our first cohort, we realized that the magic between the students and Cohort One was very palpable. And Emily and I started chatting about whether there was something else we could offer. And our students were saying, what's next? Or how can we stay connected? Or can I book private sessions with each of you? And that was a really big indication for us to really listen to what our community was asking for. So we weren't just making this up in real time thinking, oh, there might be a need for a mastermind. I had already done this initial digging back in November, December. And then our students wanted more, especially those that had been in business a few years. And so we started brainstorming what this mastermind would look like. And we started thinking about who it's perfect for how it's for women who want wealth in all areas of their life. Like we've done the hustle we've worked hard, we've got all their credentials. Now we want epic health we want the energy we want the family life or We're planning for family life of our dreams. We want the balance in our work that doesn't keep us tied to a computer, we want the team to support us, we want to keep on dreaming. Because some of these women, theyhave fully booked practices fully booked schedules Monday to Friday. And now they're saying, Okay, so I'm successful, I hit the goalpost. And now what? Now what, and we want to hold that space and create that space every single Wednesday. And that started feeling so exciting to me. Especially because I knew a lot of my clients who graduate from the visionary method, a lot of my clients who come to me for private coaching, they've been asking for this space to less formal coaching, but a place for community accountability, connection, and a weekly meet up to feel less alone. And so the mastermind was born. And it started yesterday. And it's not too late to apply. If you just had to Kelseyreidl.com, or DM me on Instagram with the word mastermind, I would love to share more details, and just invite you to consider chatting with me about it.
Especially if you've reached that first goal post and you've had success in your business and you're not afraid to speak up on calls and share your goals vocally. And you're not afraid to invest in yourself, like you're kind of already past those money mindset hurdles of oh, I don't want to spend 20 bucks here or there. Because you know that with every investment, there's a big return on investment. So for that woman, for the one who understands that life is abundantly endless in what we can have, and having the right space of other female entrepreneurs to talk about this with and to also share our vulnerabilities with I mean, yesterday, on our first call, we already talked about grief. We talked about loss, and fertility issues. We talked about being unhappy with the professions we chose. We talk about whether it's time to leave the full time job to focus on the other full time job of entrepreneurship, and to stop holding on to both trying to hoard all of the money. Wow, we talked about financial goals. One of our members has a really strong financial goal to grow from five figure to six figure months, we talked about how launching is hard right now. We talked about how every time we've been part of a mastermind or a group coaching program, it has transformed our life. We talked about what it is that we're currently running up against whether that's a mindset block or a marketing block, or a strategy block. And the really neat part about this mastermind is that this is a shared partnership between Emily and I and she brings the softer side the mindset, the shifting of your physiology. And I bring more of that strategy brain, the tactics that you might want to try to see different results. The I don't want to say the harder side, but you guys know me I've done 300 of these episodes. So you're no stranger to the fact that I'm not afraid of hard work. I'm not afraid to get my feet dirty and test out the marketing strategies before I teach them to you. And so I bring a lot of that strategy and business coaching. And this is the mastermind. This is it. Every single Wednesday, this has replaced the free weekly meet up. I started to notice that you know when you don't charge people for something, commitment is often a little bit wishy washy. And so what I love about this mastermind, which is that founders members pricing right now, it's less than $200 a month, which is insane, because most masterminds I pay for are between about 1200 to 5000 a month. Not even kidding. But when you're earning a certain level like that is what you pay. But we thought we'll start it at 199. We'll take on a maximum of 16 people and let's build this let's co create it. Let's make it the space that you've never felt so supported and nudge towards your goals and you're encouraged to hit your growth edge every single week when you show up and there's space held for you and there's check ins between In calls. And there's also just kick ass people to be around and to celebrate with. So there's a little bit of the backstory on why it all started. And I'm feeling all the fields because like I said earlier, making change or transitioning in your business is hard. And I hope to model for all of you that it's easy to avoid change, especially when something's working, things are seemingly going well. But there's just something in you that's different. In fact, I got an email from an entrepreneur that I really admire who runs an online nutrition, culinary certification, and she's been running it for 10 years, has made millions from it. I've actually interviewed her on the visionary life podcast, her name is Megan Turner. And after 10 years of certifying culinary nutritionist, she's got a very lucrative business model. But she woke up one day and said, I don't want to do this. I don't want to run Facebook ads, I don't want to manage a team, I don't want to be held to this content creation schedule. There, there's no reason like one clear reason, but it was like she describes in the email, her whole body just said no. And she sat in the bathtub and just said, I can't. And so she called her entire team and said, We're done. And here's where we're gonna go next. And you guys that takes courage as an entrepreneur, it really does when things are going well. But you still feel like you need to lean into change. That's really hard shit. And I want to ask you not to avoid those hard decisions. Because for me giving up that weekly Wednesday call in favor of a paid model, so that I can better devote my energy so that I can truly feel like I'm doing the work I want to be doing and meant to be doing that I can work with less people in a higher touch capacity and give them my all and really be there for them. Something had to change and and it did. So that's it for today. As a train comes by, I think I'll wrap this podcast up. If anything in here resonated with you, or if you're currently going through change, I'd love to hear from you. I'd love to support you, I'd love to talk to you. And if you feel like the LEAP mastermind, might be a good spot for you head to Kelseyreidl.com. And there's a drop down menu with the word mastermind, check it out. And if you're not yet at that place where you're ready to be part of a mastermind, it's a little higher level, we've got your 2023 Leap, the 12 week program starting on May 17. And this is a beautiful structured curriculum for those of you who are starting a new income stream, or who are setting up your online business for the first time as a professional consultant, a creative or a coach. And we're going to give you every single precise skill you need in order to be successful in just 90 days. The course is a steal at its current price, you get access to Emily and I you get access to the slack group. And why this is important now is because there has been no greater few years to remind us that life is short. If you're not doing what you love, you're missing the point. If you aren't stepping into a newer version of you, ask yourself what you're afraid of. Are you afraid of judgment or evolution because inside of your 2023 lipo space for you, there is space for you to dream about more to take action on your goals. We had amazing students in cohort one we had Britt, the founder of growing nutrition who launched her brand new group coaching program for busy parents. We had Danny who is an addiction nutritionist who felt like she was less alone than she ever had been before. We had Kristin who is a naturopathic doctor, the founder of a wellness clinic, who is a new mama and really struggling with how to keep everything in balance. How to keep her team member satisfied, make sure the clinic stays afloat, and to also maintain her mindset and her belief in this clinic's potential even when life has gotten exponentially busier since becoming a mom.We had Charlotte who is a model and a brand ambassador who finally wanted to launch her mindful model program and start doing coaching one on one so that she can support her family and so that she can really have something of her own that doesn't require her to work for others all of the time and do that freelance hustle. We had Marissa, who is a fully booked doctor, who's looking to launch maybe that next online program. And she really started putting together the frameworks for that. We had Shelby who is a elopement and wedding photographer, who's really trying to find her confidence after shifting to a smaller niche in photography. You guys I could go on. We also have amazing people enrolled in this cohort. And I'm just really proud of everybody who is stepping into the best entrepreneur they can be but the best visionary human that they can be. So the best way to figure out where you might want to insert yourself whether it's your 2023, leap 90 Day Program, or the mastermind hosted by Emily and I. Best way is just to fill out an application DM me, you guys know, I love to chat with you. My business is about connection. So never hesitate to reach out. All right, we'll wrap this here. I think it's been long enough. Love you guys have an amazing, amazing rest of your week. And we'll talk soon. Hey, visionary, I want to quickly interrupt this episode to ask you if you've been curious what it's like to work with a private business and marketing coach. If you're a business owner, and you feel like your marketing plan is all over the place, you haven't figured out your search engine optimization or your SEO strategy, you have no idea what your social media marketing plan is, and you are not doing so well. On the self Express content front. I call these the marketing trio. It's the three S's SEO, social media self Express content. And by dialing in all three of these pillars, you too can get more visible, generate more income and increase your lead generation where you're actually turning your followers into paid clients and you're constantly bringing new people in at the top of the funnel. If you're not familiar with my work, I am a private business and marketing coach. And I have spent the last 13 years working in the marketing industry, many of those years doing consulting with clients like you who want to finally get more visible and get in front of their dream clients. So when we work together, you have me for four months, as your marketing partner, I'm gonna do a full audit of your business, put you on a private project management software with me. And then based on your innate skill sets based on your strength, based on where you are curious and where your dream clients are paying attention. We're going to build out a custom marketing strategy, we're going to track it, we're going to optimize it. And by the end of the four months, you have a plan that works. And you're seeing results. It's truly incredible. Christina crook just landed a $100,000 consulting contract after implementing just one of my marketing strategies. Emily Fraser signed multiple new clients in one day after just one month of working with me. And now she is having consistent five figure months. And Natasha, she started leveraging her email list in December, and 30 days later in January, she pulled in $25,000 from one single email that we created. So these results are possible for you too. But don't sign up yet. Just had to Kelsey rydell.com. And check out how we can work together learn all about it, make sure you feel informed. And if you'd like to book a discovery call with me just fill out the application on my website, we can get on the phone and see if it's a good fit for you. So anyways, I don't want to interrupt this episode anymore. I cannot wait to work with you to support you and getting you more visible. And let's get back into the show. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either iTunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice tagging me at Kelsey Reidl. I'll catch you in the next episode.
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If youβre searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that youβre in the right place.
I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method
Mentioned on the Episode:
Join us for our upcoming cohort of 2023 Leap starting on May 17th, which is perfectly timed for this episode! Emily and I have taken very different paths in building our lives and businesses.
While I focus on marketing and strategy, Emily leans towards attraction and manifestation. Surprisingly, we discovered that our diverse skill sets complemented one another!
With Emily's mindset expertise and my tactical know-how, we became a unstoppable team.
Our collaboration has delivered incredible, transformative results that we're excited to share with you!