288 5 Tips For Improving Your Website SEO, Today!
what is SEO?
Keep reading to find out
Wait, so what is SEO?
SEO is Search Engine Optimization.
SEO is a key driver of growth and success in today's competitive online landscape. To put it simply, a good SEO strategy helps people find you on the internet.
With the bewildering world of SEO, many people don't know where to begin or what it even could be capable of. That's where Everyday SEO™ can help!
In this episode, we're teaching you (in simple terms) what SEO is, how it can help your business grow, and exactly what to do to set your SEO up properly!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might seem intimidating at first, but those who embrace it are reaping major benefits of passive marketing.
Click here to learn more: https://www.kelseyreidl.com/seo
My Favourite SEO Tools:
In this episode, Kelsey chats about:
Why is SEO is so important
How to leverage your email list to make your business more visible.
What you need to know about SEO
How to plan out your blog posts using keywords
How to use SEO to grow your business
To connect with Kelsey:
Access the transcript for this episode:
You're listening to the visionary life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.
Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth, in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires if I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode is that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us, you know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up, I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in. Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the podcast. Today, we are talking about how to rank on page one of Google. Now if you are somebody who has a small business, you want to start a business or you're a total marketing geek like I am, this topic should be of interest to you. If you're not familiar, and you're like why would I ever want to rank on page one of Google? Why would I want my website to pop up when people are using search engines?
Well, I'm hopefully going to break that down for you in this episode. And by the end of today's show, I want you to feel excited about spending a little bit more effort and time on your search engine optimization strategy or your SEO strategy. So let's start from the beginning here. Some of you are ready to turn off this podcast and you're like, What is SEO, maybe you've heard these three letters floating around the internet, you've kind of loosely seen people talk about it, but you feel like it's a whole other planet of information that you're not wanting to dive into? Well, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is essentially the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. So it is my best guess that most of you use Google. Maybe you use Bing or Yahoo. That's a very small percentage. Most people are using Google love it or hate it. It's just the most popular search engine. So essentially, if you have a good SEO strategy, it helps people find you on the internet. Why is this important?
Because being found on the internet leads to cash in your wallet money in your bank account? Do you have to have an SEO strategy? Absolutely not. You could spend every single day creating content for the newest social media platform, you could be out at networking events every day, you could be building an email list, but it is to your best advantage to have your SEO in place. Because people are using Google to find new products and services. For example, search engine optimization right now is responsible for anywhere between 50 and 80% of my monthly business revenue. So if I had not spent time over the last eight years getting my SEO in order, I would be losing 50 to 80% of my monthly revenue. That's because when people apply to work with me apply to hire me as their marketing consultant. I asked them to list how did you find me? I had organic search results comes up number one hands down all the time. So this is crazy, right? Because a lot of business consultants, a lot of online courses, they're not teaching you guys this. And I want to step up and though I am not a SEO expert, I have figured it out for myself. I have spent the better part of eight years studying digital marketing. So I get it and I'm not seeing anybody treat you guys like humans who can also understand this like I did. And the truth is you don't have to outsource to an expensive agency. I have met so many clients who have spent 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of dollars and it has produced no results because they've thrown money at an agency they have no idea what the key keyword strategy is their agency is bidding on the wrong keywords, the ad copy has nothing to do with how their website is built.
The agency is not helping them, fix the website, which is crucial, because why would you run ads to a crappy website, and then they waste a lot of money. So I don't want you to do that, I want you to simply tune into this podcast, learn a little bit more, maybe start to incorporate the five tips that I'm going to share with you today. And go from there. So I guess just one more point to reaffirm why SEO is so important. I'm gonna refer refer to a mentor of mine, Jack butcher, he's the founder of visualized value. And he says that the longer you spend building a business on social media, the more you realize you're fighting an uphill battle, trying to grab people's attention and make them care versus catering to what they already care about. Because if they're on Google, they're typing in what they care about. It's actually a better strategy. And so SEO, if you set it up properly, you may not see results today or tomorrow, but you're gonna end up having that hockey stick growth over time. It really does compound. So starting today is your only option. Hey, visionary, I want to quickly interrupt this episode to ask you if you've been curious what it's like to work with a private business and marketing coach, if you're a business owner, and you feel like your marketing plan is all over the place, you haven't figured out your search engine optimization or your SEO strategy, you have no idea what your social media marketing plan is, and you are not doing so well. On the self Express content front. I call these the marketing a trio. It's the three S's SEO social media self expressed content. And by dialing in all three of these pillars, you too, can get more visible, generate more income and increase your lead generation where you're actually turning your followers into paid clients. And you're constantly bringing new people in at the top of the funnel. If you're not familiar with my work, I am a private business and marketing coach. And I have spent the last 13 years working in the marketing industry, many of those years doing consulting with clients like you who want to finally get more visible and get in front of their dream clients. So when we work together, you have me for four months, as your marketing partner, I'm going to do a full audit of your business, put you on a private project management software with me. And then based on your innate skill sets based on your strength, based on where you are curious and where your dream clients are paying attention. We're going to build out a custom marketing strategy, we're going to track it, we're going to optimize it. And by the end of the four months, you have a plan that works. And you're seeing results. It's truly incredible. Christina crook just landed a $100,000 consulting contract after implementing just one of my marketing strategies.
Emily Fraser signed multiple new clients in one day after just one month of working with me. And now she is having consistent five figure months. And Natasha, she started leveraging her email list in December, and 30 days later in January, she pulled in $25,000 from one single email that we created. So these results are possible for you too. But don't sign up yet. Just had to Kelsey rydell.com. And check out how we can work together learn all about it. Make sure you feel informed. And if you'd like to book a discovery call with me just fill out the application on my website, we can get on the phone and see if it's a good fit for you. So anyways, I don't want to interrupt this episode anymore. I cannot wait to work with you to support you and getting you more visible. And let's get back into the show. All right. I hope I have convinced you that SEO is super important. I know it's a bewildering world. Many people don't know where to begin, or what could even be possible for their business. But I want to teach you in simple terms, what SEO is how it can help your business grow. And I want you to see results. I want you to see way more click throughs to your site, I want your impressions to go up so more people are even aware of your brand. I want your average position to shoot up so that when somebody types in meditation coach or manifestation coach near me, you should be popping up right instead of being on page 20. You should be on page one so that you get the lead. Okay. All right. So why don't we get into my five tips for improving your SEO today. So get out your notebook and let's chat about five tips.
So number one, hopefully you have a website if you don't reach out to me, because that's first and foremost, you need a website, you absolutely need to make sure that your website SEO title and that your website SEO description are populated. So basically, if you go into the marketing tab of your website or the Settings tab, you should have an area where you can populate your site title and your site meta description.
So this is really, really awesome because we actually get to tell Google what keywords Our website is about, or what words somebody might be typing into Google, that they should send that person to our website for. So for your SEO title, you might use your tagline or your claim, maybe you write in, hire a top rated marketing coach, or you might type in take the overwhelm out of your marketing strategy with visionary marketing consulting. Something that is very indicative of the main keywords and perhaps your business brand name. So people may show up at Google and type in your brand. So they may already be aware, but they also might type in non brand keywords. So if I don't know that your holistic nutrition business, that's called a vibrant start exists, I'm not typing in vibrant start, I'll be looking for a prenatal holistic nutritionist. So you might want to have vibrant start and prenatal holistic nutritionist in that SEO title. Then we go over to the SEO description. This is an outcome or benefit driven statement that gives a quick snapshot of the service you offer, the outcome or transformation you provide.
And maybe a little quick call to action here. The description, you really only have about 90 characters. So you're literally gonna write something like get the personalized marketing coaching you need to grow and scale your business. Apply now. Super short, super succinct, and that's really it. So make sure that your website, SEO title, your website SEO description, are filled in with the proper keywords. Remember, keywords and phrases are what people are typing into Google. And you need to do a little bit of research you can use the tool called I believe it's key words.io Don't quote me on that it might be keywords tool.io.
Anyways, you're gonna want to check the search volume because if nobody is searching for a bloating, nutritionist, don't call yourself that. Like we really need to do some basic foundational research. I use a website called Uber Suggest here, but you might use something else like aircrafts, you might use keyword tool.io. There's many other tools out there that can show you the search volume. You can also use a website like answer the public. Okay, so let's get into tip number two. Tip number two is to plan out your blog posts according to common phrases, prepositions and questions that are commonly asked and that have a high search volume. So here's what you're gonna do for this, you're gonna have a spreadsheet that lists out all 12 months of the year, then you're gonna have some common themes or common holidays that you may want to take advantage of Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas Memorial Day, Black Friday, just make sure those are kind of listed beside the month of the year. And then you're going to use the website, answer the public.com.
And you're going to search your keywords. So if your keywords are celiac dessert recipes or celiac recipes, I want you to punch that into answer the public and then see what questions prepositions and common phrases actually get spit out from answer the public answer the public is a really good website in the sense that it is pulling data from Google around what people are actually searching for. Okay, so instead of guessing, what you should write your blogs about. Instead, you can actually see what the most common phrases or questions that Google is asked and create content around that. So once you know your keywords, I want you to really think about touching on all those keywords. and phrases through a 12 month blog, content calendar. Your blog is a great way to stock your website with more and more keywords. So you should be blogging at least twice per month minimum. And if you're not doing that, don't be surprised if you're not ranking very well on Google Google likes and active website. Now tip number three for improving your SEO it piggybacks on your blog strategy. When you're uploading blogs, make sure you are using h1 tags, and h2 tags, an image alternative texts, and you are using internal and external links throughout your website.
So I know this sounds nitty gritty, if you're working with me inside of my marketing coaching program, you will have a template for all of this. But these are essentially elements that Google is going to pull from in order to deem whether your blog or your website contains the right information to match with a search query. So h1 tags mean heading one tags. This is the main text stocked with phrases stocked with keywords, it's probably the top line of your blog. Image alternative text is where you describe every image in your blog post. This tells Google what your images are about and further validates the keywords of the blog. Internal and External links are really helpful. Because when you link internally, somebody's going to click around your website and find more on that topic. And externally, you're giving shoutouts to other credible website sources.So if you're not familiar with any of that, definitely do some research on how to structure a blog post for SEO friendliness. And if you're going to upload blogs, make sure you're doing this so that you're seeing the benefits. Okay. Tip number four for improving your SEO is to make sure you're not simply relying on AI content. Don't get me wrong, I love artificial intelligence, I use jasper.ai all the time, I have a link in the show notes for 10,000 Free words if you want to try it. However, Google is smart, you guys, you cannot just have Google write or have aI generate all your blog posts. And then you just pump it up there and say, Cool, we're good. Now my website's gonna do awesome. There is no juicy content in that you must add your personal experience, you must establish expertise, you must use stories and relevant examples in your content. Google is smart enough to actually know this. Okay, so make sure you're not using generic or run of the mill AI content, I promise you, that's going to do nothing. You have to add the expertise, the credibility, the relevancy, the storytelling, Google can actually pull out the blog posts and the content that is truly unique and different. And that serves a story. And that serves the audience with real content versus generic, really surface level, blog posts about like five things you should do to grow your Instagram. If there's no personal stuff, statistics or experience in there, your blog post is going to flop.
Okay. And finally, the last thing I want to suggest in order to improve your SEO today. Actually, before I share the final one, I do want to let you know that linked in the show notes. I have our brand new course our 30 day course called everyday SEO boost your business by mastering everyday SEO strategies. This is a real time course starting very soon. It's going to teach you how to leverage search engines like Google, and the right keywords to grow your business. So this is gonna be a really fun live interactive course. I'm calling it everyday SEO because I want it to be for the person who maybe doesn't know the single first thing about SEO. So we're going to teach you how to set up your business SEO so you can drive more traffic to your website.
We're going to teach you the formula for ranking number one on google how to track important metrics what search engine optimization is how to do SEO friendly content marketing, building out your top, middle and bottom of funnel keywords, and so so much more so that you too can build at least 50% more leads through Google going to teach you all of that click the link in the show notes or go to Kelsey rydell.com/seo to learn more and and I will let you know when we're live. Finally though, let's give tip number five, I want you to make sure that your website keywords are being monitored. So in your monthly reporting, you should be tracking all your monthly metrics. SEO should be a big one here. Okay, so setting up Google Search Console is important, using your website platform like Squarespace or WordPress, to monitor key metrics. And you're going to see every 30 days, what are you ranking for? Are you ranking for the right things or the wrong things? Is Google understanding what your expertise is? Because if you're a holistic nutritionist, and you're ranking for things like, you know, comfort foods spaghetti recipe, that's probably not driving any leads to your business that shows no intent of somebody looking for a holistic nutritionist. Okay. So when we are starting to see the results of your SEO, we can actually tweak and optimize to better ensure that you're ranking for the right keywords, and that you're avoiding negative keywords. Alright, so that's it. I hope this was really helpful. I know that's a lot of information, but feel free to reach out to me, I'm on Instagram at Kelsey Rydell. Again, if you want to be first to know about our everyday SEO course, and find out who should sign up what level of knowledge you need, how long the course is going to take what we're covering what makes this course unique and who it's for, head to the link in the show notes, or head to Kelsey rydell.com/seo. And we will let you know when we're live. All right, you guys, I am getting into some blank coaching calls from discovery calls.
But I just wanted to record this for you. If you have questions about SEO, hit me up on the Instagram and I hope you have an amazing day. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either iTunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice tagging me at Kelsey Reidl. I'll catch you in the next episode.
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Mentioned on the Episode:
Everyday SEO™:
Start driving more traffic to your website & connect with dream clients!
With Everyday SEO™, you will learn how to Set Up Your Business SEO so you can Drive More Traffic To Your Website.
Join the waitlist, today: https://kelseyreidl.lpages.co/seo/