Stephanie Groulx launched her business as a Pregnancy & Postpartum Coach - Client Profile
Stephanie Groulx
Pregnancy & Postpartum Coach - Client Profile
Stephanie Groulx , Pregnancy Coach and founder of
Meet Stephanie Groulx.
She is the Founder of, a business that offers Pregnancy & Postpartum Coaching as well as Yoga Classes in Oakville, Ontario and Globally.
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Stephanie debated for two whole years before making up her mind (and being tired of her excuses) to take the leap and hire a business coach.
When she started maternity leave, she told herself it was time to go full force with the business idea brewing inside of her.
“...I had 2948 ideas running through my head but I didn’t know how to niche down or to take an idea from my head and to something I could actually sell.”
Private Business & Marketing Coaching is exactly what you need to help achieve your business goals
Stephanie really needed help taking her idea from her head and turning it into a profitable business.
It always makes me so excited to help visionaries bring their vision into reality. During the four months of working together, Stephanie and I were able to:
Set up the foundations of her business including…
Deciding on a business name
Registering her business
Building her website
Taking a strengths test to determine what she is uniquely qualified for
Deciding on the Core Values of the business
Writing a vision statement
Launching her email list
Putting together her signature packages
Pricing her offerings
In terms of Marketing Strategy, we were able to…
Create her first marketing funnel via a free Facebook Group
Launch her Birth Affirmations opt-in / lead magnet
Build out her SEO Titles and Descriptions on each page of her site
Post regular IG Reels
Set up an Automation on Mailchimp
And the best part?
Steph booked 2 paid clients through her discovery call process from the Facebook Group
What did our time together look like? Let me give you a quick glimpse ⬇️
The first months, we really honed in on building the business foundation of her business. Once we had a strong base, we started creating her first marketing funnel. 🤩This led into a free Facebook group where she provided (as a value-added) a free monthly yoga session.
“I was so shocked that people joined the yoga class. I had 7 people the first time then 8 people the second time.”
Spoiler… this free Facebook group ended up leading her to a few PAID clients.
When Steph started booking Discovery Calls with potential clients, one of the main reasons why they were hiring her is that they felt like she was speaking directly to them.
This is the power of uncovering your Visionary Dream Clients and then writing strategic website and social media copy that speaks directly to them!
Stephanie came to me with a strong belief in what she was capable of, as it was something she went through first hand when she became a mother. She had experienced the problem, and wanted to offer a solution so that other moms didn’t have to go through what she did.
This is such a powerful reason to start a business!
Hiring me for Private Business & Marketing Coaching allowed her to stay accountable to herself on a weekly basis. Our momentum built up very quickly during our 10 sessions together!
“I’ve also started joining more Visionary Method Group Zoom Calls (which are every single Wednesday!) and those are awesome… there is always something new to learn.”
The Visionary Method™ coaching experience was created to help business owners create, launch & grow their online business of their dreams, without struggle. Providing clarity, support, strategic templates & above all…a community of awesome individuals like you, to keep you accountable.
Stephanie was able to go from 2948 ideas floating in her head to a full concept with several paid clients within four months. She was able to implement new strategies and optimize her skills to launch an amazing community and a private coaching service.
If you are interested in taking your idea to the next level and looking to connect within a community filled with work-harding and dedicated entrepreneurs, The Visionary Method might be the complete solution for your business journey.
I’d love to help you!
🚨 Before You Go!
Want to creep on ALL of my Business Coach Reviews?
Browse 100’s of Success Stories From The Visionary Method | Kelsey Reidl
Thanks for taking a minute out your day to hang out in the Visionary Universe!
When the time is right, here are a few ways that we can work together…
1. Do you have what it takes to run a million dollar business and impact millions of lives? Click here to figure out your Earning Potential by taking the Quiz >>
2. 🎧 Tune into this inspiring & informative podcast that brings you the stories of visionary Entrepreneurs and Founders from across Canada.
Each episode is a conversation with an inspirational entrepreneur who has a story to share. Each guest also shares what's working right now to grow their business (& what's NOT working!). Listen now >>
3. Work with me one on one!
If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients