Visionary, Inc. Business Recap (Q1 & Q2)
Insider of Running a Business as a New Mama
Sharing my personal field notes
In this recap, I’m sharing my personal field notes about what it has been like to Run a Business as a New Mama.
(I’m 8 years into my entrepreneurial journey, and had my first baby 6 months ago).
I’m also reflecting on the state of Online Marketing and What’s Working Now (for me, and my clients).
In this blog post, we will cover...
Q1 & Q2 Recap
Energy Report
Sales Report
Website Traffic Report
I wasn't sure how my 'maternity leave' would unfold.
I didn’t perfectly plan it, and I decided to surrender to the experience without over-controlling the prep.
Now that I am 6 months in, I can share that maternity ‘leave’ has exceeded my expectations. I love this new version of me, who runs a business in less time & who is a present, passionate mama.
Despite fears that my bottom line and my lead generation would suffer, it didn't*. I've been working about 15 hours a week compared to 40 hours previously, and have no intention of going back to my ‘old ways’ anytime soon.
*There are a lot of caveats here (I sleep, baby sleeps, I have paid and free help, my business-partner supported me taking time away, husband is hands on outside of being away 50 hrs/wk, I built a strong foundation since 2016)
Energy Report (Q1 &Q2)
In addition to quantitative metrics, I track qualitative metrics, too! Let’s start there.
Every month, I ask myself (my clients do this, also)... ‘On a scale of 1-100: What level of energy did you bring to your business?’
In 2023 (working 40 hrs/wk) I reported…
In 2024 (as a Full Time Mama working 15 hrs/wk) I reported…
Can I just say, no matter what you’re up to on mat leave - being a Mom is a superpower.
I believe that I consistently reported 100 because I worked within my daily bandwidth PLUS I worked on the right things, not all the things (even if it was 5 mins in a day).
It’s not that my sleep improved with a newborn (LOL), but I did raise my energy but saying NO to more non-essentials, taking care of my health, and only spending time on work that brought joy or leverage to my business.
2. Sales Report (Q1 & Q2)
I sell 4 unique offers:
B2B Consulting (Large Business), 1:1 Marketing Coaching (Small to Med Business), Mastermind + Mastermind Events, and Digital Courses (which I didn’t do any launches for in 2024 as they stress me out - hence 0%).
Here is the breakdown of what % of my earnings come from each offer. This has evolved year over year, but 1:1 coaching always holds #1 spot and has highest demand.
As you can tell... The demand for 1:1 is extremely high vs. all other offers.
This is due to many factors (IMO).
People are tired of online courses that over promise and under deliver, they want a higher level of support & accountability, they feel like it’s the best path forward to not waste money or time, and they want to actually talk to someone!
Also, my passion towards 1:1 is extremely high and that comes through in my marketing so it’s likely that affects sales, too.
1:1 is an energy-giver for me, not draining. It’s also the lowest energy expenditure for me to market & generate leads for.
3. Website traffic report (Q1 & Q2)
I don’t get a LOT of website traffic, but the traffic I do get converts at a high % which is more important for me right now (I send everyone to an application). What’s interesting here is that...
Over 50% of my website traffic is direct. This tells me that much of what I do to build brand awareness (longevity, podcast, networking) is working! Direct represents when someone types your URL directly into their web browser.
Search Engines account for over 35% of my website traffic, and over 80% of my applications and paid clients. This is the highest ROI activity that I can focus on, as this is where I make the most revenue from right now.
In Summary (What these 3 simple reports tell me)
Energy Report
Taking care of my health, and knowing what to work on (even if I only have 10 minutes) is the most important task in my business. Also, reducing distractions, making time for hobbies, and prioritizing me ;)
Sales Report
1:1 services are in high demand and because the funnel is nearly 100% passive, it’s the highest ROI offer that I sell
Website Traffic Report
Organic search is powerful when you send to a good funnel (I teach this in my course, Everyday SEO)
Marketing is multi-faceted and you don’t always know how someone found you - however, if you are always planting seeds (every day) and you’re patient - word spreads!
Stay tuned for the part 2 recap.
In my next recap, I will share details on what worked (& what didn’t) when it came to lead generation strategies and online marketing like:
Podcasting (waste of time, or...?)
Instagram Content Creation (do reels convert?)
Blogging and the ACTUAL R.O.I
Email Marketing (is it dead?)
Other (in real life events)
And... here are what we learned as a business this year:
Avoid making reactive decisions based on cash flow issues.
It is okay to say no or even part ways with some clients.
Prevent burnout by giving your body and mind time to recharge.
Instead of trying to do everything yourself, learn to delegate tasks to others.
And while I have your attention, thank YOU for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog and to trust that I have something valuable to share with you!
To learn more about how I can support your Business & Marketing Growth Goals, click here.
*p.s. If you tell me ‘the blog sent you’ I’ll share a special discount code with you for 15% off any coaching package.